/* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.46 - 18.09.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed but when Export Script, produced with version 1.43. Please dont export script files exported with version 1.43 and 1.44. No problem to use exported script from older and next versions... 2. Fixed bug for display point in TERCA KEYBOARD. Points on white keys are not visible, becouse points are white too. Now color is fixed and will be visible good. NEW: No //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.45 - 10.07.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed but when Export Script, produced with version 1.43. Please dont export script files exported with version 1.43 and 1.44. No problem to use exported script from older and next versions... NEW: No //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.44 - 05.07.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NO NEW: 1. Function for refreshing SD Card is expanded to possible to refresh another part of bank file, where is not audio data. Now when start refresh function, you have 3 choices: - Refresh audio data for all multisamples loaded on Upper 1 - Refresh audio data for all multisamples loaded on Upper 2 - Refresh Bank Data WARNING!!! Dont stop power or remove SD card, until card refresh complete. Lost of power or card eject will produce risk of permanently damage of refreshed data, and then SD card need to be rewrited only by computer!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT!!! ************************ * Dont stop power!!! * ************************ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.43 - 26.06.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NEW: 1. Added support for Siwa&Figli MIDI system, to control Bass Change (Upper 2) from bass registers of Siwa MIDI system. 2. Added new plugin for inserts 2 and 3. Plugin name is "Kalman EQ". This is ONE KNOB high frequency equalizer, based on Kalman Filter topology. Very usable for some instruments, to enhance high frequency. 3. Added new very important function, for refreshing audio data on SD card. Some card, after years of use, stay slow and need to be rewrited. To this time this is available only with computer, but now sampler have function to do this. Refresh is really (read -> earase -> rewrite) procedure, where all sectors of sound will be reprogrammed with the same data like before, but flash cells will be refreshed. Refresh function, update all samples for all zones assigned to selected sound. Function is available in UTIL menu. Sound who audio data need to be refreshed need to be loaded on Upper 1 or Upper 2, before execution of this function. When you select function, you have choice to refresh audio data for sound on Upper 1 or Upper 2. All samples in all assigned multisamples on selected Upper will be refreshed. WARNING!!! Dont stop power or remove SD card, until function complete. Lost of power or card eject will have risk of permanently damage of audio data, and then SD card need to be rewrited by computer!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT. Dont stop power!!! NOTE: SD CARD Refresh function is available only for sound bank version 3 or next. If sound bank version is old, "Refresh SD Card" button in UTIL menu is not active. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.42 - 23.02.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. No NEW: 1. Added new functionality to control Scale for KORG NAUTILUS. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.41 - 31.10.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NEW: 1. Adding support for new scale message, different in different pieces of KORG PA5x with new OS version 1.2.0. Whu the same model of KORG, with the same OS send different messages, we dont know... Ask KORG! 2. Added new functionality to control Master Transpose and Scale for KORG KRONOS. Added new parameter in menu: MENU -> Global Setup -> Messages To MIDI Out. Parameter name is: "Send Transposed Scala To MIDI Out". See about function... Settings of KRONOS: 1. In GLOBAL -> Basic -> Basic parameter "Osc/Timbre/Track Transpose" need to be "Transpose Scale". 2. In GLOBAL -> MIDI -> MIDI parameter "Convert Position" need to be "Pre-MIDI", else KRONOS not send velocity curves to MIDI OUT. 3. In GLOBAL -> Controllers/Scales -> User Scales, User Octave Scale 00 need to be saved with all notes to +00. 4. All PROGRAM of KRONOS need to be updated and saved to use "User Octave Scale 00" and scale Key "C" !!! Important!!! 5. All COMBI of KRONOS need to be updated and saved to use "User Octave Scale 00" and scale Key "C" !!! Important!!! 6. All COMBI of KRONOS need to be updated and saved with unchecked check boxes in parameter line "User Program`s Scale". Find this check boxes in page: COMBI -> Timbre Parameter -> Pitch. Settings of Sampler 2: 1. In MENU -> Global Setup -> MIDI Connectors need to be selected top roght box, where have MIDI IN and MIDI OUT. This setup second MIDI connector to work like MIDI OUTPUT. 2. In MENU -> Global Setup -> External MIDI Control -> Tab Master Transpose parameter "Receive Master Transpose Sysex Message" need to be "NO". This avoid control of master transpose from KRONOS. Control of master transpose is made only from Sampler 2! 3. In MENU -> Global Setup -> External MIDI Control -> Tab Master Transpose parameter "Apply Master Transpose To In Notes" need to be "NO". This avoid double transpose, becouse KRONOS send already transposed notes! 4. In MENU -> Global Setup -> External MIDI Control -> Tab Master Transpose parameter "Apply M. Transpose to Scale received by Sysex" need to be "NO". This prevent to control scale from KRONOS. Scale is control only from Sampler 2. 5. In MENU -> Global Setup -> External MIDI Control -> Tab Other Control, parameter "Control SCALE by Sysex Message" need to be "DISABLED". This prevent for control of scale from KORG KRONOS. 6. In MENU -> Global Setup -> Messages To MIDI Out parameter "Send Local M. Transpose (Sysex)" need to be "General MIDI". 7. In MENU -> Global Setup -> Messages To MIDI Out parameter "Send Local Scala (Sysex)" need to be "KORG KRONOS Scale 00". 8. In MENU -> Global Setup -> Messages To MIDI Out parameter "Send Transposed Scala To MIDI Out" need to be "YES". 9. In MENU -> Global Setup -> Messages To MIDI Out parameter "Send Local Preset Number Mode" need to be "OFF". This avoid sending of Program Change messages from sampler, when change presets. Programs is changed only from KRONOS. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.40 - 13.07.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug in JS Ethno Violine oscillator mode, where in some conditions, hard fault error is trigered. NEW: 1. Adding support for scale control with sysex messages from KORG PA5x with new OS version 1.2.0. 2. Incomming Sysex Buffers size is increased to 40 bytes. 3. Sysex Buff Viewer is updated to show messages with 40 bytes. 4. CPU loading measure resolution is increased. 5. Some small optimization on HelpSynth engine. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.39 - 26.04.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. No NEW: 1. Optimization of SD card reading cache algorithm. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.38 - 11.01.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added new reverb effect algorithm "Ultra Verb". Will add pressets in future. 2. Added new parameter in Menu->Global Setup->External MIDI Control->TAB: Other Control. Parameter name is: "Control SCALE by Sysex Messages". This parameter enables or disables scale control by all types of supported sysex messages. This include scale note changes and all scale ON/OFF and scale SCAN commands too. When value of parameter are "DISABLED", all control over scale by sysex messages are disabled. 3. Added new function in external EXPRESSION Control Change 11 reading. In menu: Global Setup->MIDI Expression tab "To Audio" is added new parameter: "Min". This parameter set MINIMUM value of expression, used for controling sampler internal audio. Main idea to use this parameter is for MIDI accordion systems, where is possible to set what is happend if no bellow pressure added. If this parameter is not OFF, this set MINIMUM level of audio when no bellow pressure. Then bellow pressure start to work from this point and above. This new feature is ordered from professor Kalin Kirilow from USA for playng with Roland FR3. Note: This feature is applyed only to internal audio of sampler. All another function controlled from CC11 like MIDI trigers and effects control, use full CC11 range, without limitiation. On Default, this parameter is OFF and audio expression is equal to another internal expression value. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.37 - 16.12.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. When MIDI Input 2 is from USB (not from real MIDI IN2), midi filter for MIDI input 2 dont work correct. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. Added SCALE control support from KORG PA5x from KORG "OS Version 1.1.0 Now 24 2022" 2. Added MASTER TRANSPOSE control support from KORG PA5x from KORG "OS Version 1.1.0 Now 24 2022" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.36 - 22.10.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added new option, requested from Eliat Dadon from Israel! (Usable with some Yamaha keyboard models, where not have INTERNAL/EXTERNAL MIDI options) Sampler have function to internally disable or enable MIDI playng, dependent from last received MIDI CC0/CC32/PG combination. To add this function, MENU->Global Setup->MIDI PG Control is redesigned. User have choice between 4 modes of external MIDI PG control: 1. External MIDI PG choice learned LIST buttons, and trought list button, change PRESET. 2. External MIDI PG direct choice PRESET, SOUND or Help Synt preset, with predefined MIDI messages set. (Predefined combination from Control Change0, Control Change 32 and Program Change). 3. External MIDI PG direct choice first 1000 PRESETs (from 0 to 999), with CC0/CC32/PG combination, predefined for Juzisound MIDI System (old and current models) in Accordion Mode 1. 4. External MIDI PG control this new function - MIDI PG MUTE. There have additional 3 parameters - values for CC0, CC32 and PG. User set this combination to any values. No limitations. When sampler accept exact combination. playng will be enabled. If sampler receive any another combination, playng will be disabled. This function affect Upper1, Upper2 and Help Synth. All other function like expression control scale and terca scanning remain enabled. Only playng is disabled. When this mode is selected, not possible to change any preset or sound with external MIDI PG messages. Only MUTE is controlled. 2. In the same display menu, have new display tab, with help describtion of used MIDI message values in different MIDI PG control modes. 3. Some effects from Insert 2 and 3 are available now on insert 1 too, for future compatibility with sampler MICRO. 4. Effect "High Freq Enhanser" is revized. - Parameter "Sound Mode" is removed, and internally is fixed to MODE 2 (NEW). - Added new parameter, "High Freq Drive", whu control drive of high frequency, before mix with original signal. 5. Some small interface changes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.35 - 07.10.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed Vowel effect invalid display parameter values, when effect is loaded for first time. In display, visible parameters values are: Vowel Set = 1; Filt. Type = Res4 But real values loaded in vowel effect dsp are: Vowel Set = 5; Filt. Type = LP 24dB Now display values are equal with loaded in effect core! 2. Remove sample limitation on "Weird Phaser" DSP plugin, to work with samples otside +/-1 range. 3. Fixed bug for receiving Sysex Message from Yamaha XG for control of Master Transpose. Now is fixed! 4. Fixed Bug in MENU->SOUND Edit->ZONE tab "M.Sample Edit". When choice button [Reset All Offsets] and then select [NO], displayt is black. Now is fixed! NEW: 1. Added support for scale control sysex messages from KORG PA5X. 2. Added new effect "Roland Juno-60 Chorus". 3. Update presets for old effect "Stereo White Chorus" in DSP. 4. Update presets for old effect "Stereo Bass Chorus" in DSP. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.34 - --.04.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WARNING!!! This version will update device bootloader to version 8. After instaling this version, not possible to return to previous version! Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added support for new IPS displays, used in new manufacturing partide. IPS displays have very wide viewing angle. 2. Hardware revision reported in menu "Device Info" now is dependent from installed display. New samplers with IPS displays are hardware revision 1.1. Previous devices are revision 1.0. 3. Menu "Global Setup->Display/LEDs Beep Setup" are reorganized in 3 tabs. Added new parameter "Contrast" for IPS displays. For old displays, this parameter is not used. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.33 - 15.03.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added 4 new multisamples to "Help Synth" module: >Provided by Dona Mehmed: - Clarinet DX - DX Pluck Guitar - Hard Brass * Apply some +/- tune to samples if need. >Provided by Petar Jovanovic: - Flauta PA 2. Removed output hard limiting in plugin effect "Feedback Compressor" for effect insert 1. This allows the output signal from the compressor to exceed 0 dB, but because it is in a circuit in which there may then be another volum reduction, the total level may still be within the required range and this is not a problem. 3. Added new plugin for Inserts 1. "JS Compressor/Limiter". This is very useful compressor/limiter with beautiful sound, and very user frendly parameters. Have "Auto Attack" and "Auto Release" functions. Possible to work in "sample by sample" mode or "Look-Ahead" mode. Look-Ahead time is fixed to 5ms. 4. Added new plugin for Inserts 1. "Adaptive Tube Compressor". This is another useful compressor with different sound, and "tube" charracter of gain reduction. This plugin have display plot with gain reduction historyand work only in Look-Ahead mode. Look-Ahead time is 6ms. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.32 - 23.02.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added new global parameters for predefining of control of some internal function from external MIDI messages. Now controlling of scala On/Off, scala SCAN, terca On/Off and terca SCAN are available trought MIDI note or user definable MIDI control change messages. Transpose Up, Down and RESET is available too, for control with MIDI notes. All this is in menu: Menu->Global Setup-> External MIDI Control. Every control, have independent setting for MIDI Input, MIDI Channel, and user definable notes or controller numbers. 2. Some submenu reorganization in Global Setup menu, according to new parameters. WARNING: If controling of TERCA and SCALA with MIDI control change stop working after updating to this version, please check this menu points: Menu->Global Setup->External MIDI Control-> Tab(Control By CC) and set "External MIDI CC Control MIDI Input" to "In1 + In2" instead of "DISABLED". Execute [Save GLOBAL] after that. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.31 - 18.01.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug, when sampler block on sd card speed test report pages. 2. Fixed bug, when sampler display stay black, after executeion of reset in zone menu: "M.Sample Editor". 3. Fixed bug, where not all members of Mp3 player structure are initialized when new mp3 file is loaded. NEW: 1. Internal USB memory buffers reallocation. 2. Added 6 new multisamples to "Help Synth" module, provided by Petar Jovanovic from Bosnya: - Clarinet Turkish - DX Flute - DX Oboe - Extreme Violin - KARMA - Casio CZ Double Reed * Apply some +/- tune to samples if need. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.30 - 25.08.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. No NEW: 1. Added individual zone TUNE parameter, for individual tune of every one zone/ Tune range is +/- 99 semitones. NOTE: This new parameter replace old zone parameter with name "Velo L". Old parameter "Velo L" is not used from sampler engine to this time, but possible to be in not default value in you current bank. Old default value is 0. If this parameter is in default value, new Operation System will be update automatically to proper default value for new parameter "Tune", but old parameter is with different value, my be after OS update need to reset TUNE to default parameter manually. If any old SOUNDS are not tuned good after OS update, please check the new zone tune parameter, and reset tune value to ZERO. Do this easy, with pressing of encoder when parameter is selected. Save SOUND after update of parameter. 2. Added new oscillator mode: "Poly&Mono/JS2". This oscillator mode is includes 2 separate engines, switchable with damper/sustain pedal: 1. Specific POLY mode, with auto MONO with retriger, dependent from interval between notes. 2. Portamento JS2. Every engine have many self parameters: ZONE ASSIGNMENT Zone from 1 to 10 will be used for main samples with many variants of round robin configurations. Zone 11 is used for LEGATO for Poly&Mono part, when legato (mono with retriger) is played in DOWN side. Zone 12 is used for LEGATO for Poly&Mono part, when legato (mono with retriger) is played in UP side. Zone 13 and 14 are used for ALTERNATIVE zone for Poly&Mono part. (When Joystick is moved in back side). Zone 15 is used for TREMOLO for Poly&Mono parts. Zone 16 and 17 are main zone for Portamento JS2 mode (when damper pedal is pressed). They are used like 2 velo zones. Zone 18 are alternative zone for Portamento JS2 mode (When Joystick is moved in back side). Zone 19 are tremolo zone for Portamento JS2 mode. In Portamento JS2 mode, tremolo have only one parameter for ON/OFF. Another are fixed. Zone 20 is release zone, common for both engines. Samples is played when all notes are released. OSCILLATOR SETUP PARAMETERS All parameters on first oscillator page is for JS2 portamento part. Most interesting are parameters in second page "Mono Legato". NOTE: Portamento JS2 have 2 variant for transition between notes: with portamento and with legato. Switching between both modes dependent from next parameter: Porta->Leg is Velo - this is maximum velocity, for playng portamento. If note velo is over this value, JS2 part play LEGATO. PortaMinTime->Legato - this is minimum portamento time, when JS2 play portamento. Under this portamento time, JS2 switch to LEGATO. Porta->Leg is interval - if interval between notes is equal or smaller from this value, JS2 part will play LEGATO. Poly->Mono is Interval - this parameter is for Poly&Mono part. If interval between notes is equal or smaller from this value, Poly&Mono part will play MONO with retriger. TREMOLO CONTROL All parameters in tremolo control page are valid for Mono&Poly part. Only parameter "JS2 Tremolo", enable or disable tremolo purposes for JS2 part. OFFSETS In offset page have 3 different sample offset parameters, for different situations. JS2 Porta->Offset - this offset is used when JS2 part play portamento. JS2 Legato->Offset - this offset is used when JS2 part play legato. Poly->Mono Ofs - this offset is used when Poly&Mono part play MONO. All individual zone offsets are usable too. VELO SENSITIVE Both parts, Poly&Mono and Portamento JS2 have independent parameters for velocity sensitive Curve and Depth. ATTACK / RELEASES Both parts, Poly&Mono and Portamento use common parameters for attack, and release. If need individual, then use zone individual attack and releases. NOTES: - When Poly&Mono part play LEGATO, then parameter "Legato Crosfade for JS2 portamentos" set LEGATO crosfade time. - This engine is full "Super Poly" compatible. - To use damper pedal for switch between both internal parts, please uncheck "Sustain ped. to Release" check box in amplifier menu, to prevent affect of sustain pedal over note release. - With zone configurations, possible to play many different samples only with playng articulations, joystick and damper pedal. - JS2 Mono Hold parameter affect only JS2 part of engine. 3. Added new oscillator mode: "JS Qanun Mode". This is special oscillator modes, created for playng Qanun/Kanun strings instruments. In this mode, normal playng is made by JS Mono mode, when common mode is POLY but interval dependent MONO with RETRIGER is possible. Use this mono is 1 or 2 semitones. Another most important feature is function to play string when pressing note, and when releases note. This function is available only when SUSTAIN PEDAL is pressed, and only for last played note. When play note on release, possible to play note from the some octave or from one octave lower. With this function is very easy to play kanun tremolo by hand, with full control of speed and dynamics. ZONE ASSIGNMENT Zone from 1 to 16 will be used for main samples with many variants of round robin configurations. Zone 17 are alternative zone (When Joystick is moved in back side). Zone 18 and 19 is used for TREMOLO mode. Zone 20 is release zone. Samples is played when all notes are released. Not very usable for kanun mode. OSCILLATOR SETUP PARAMETERS QTrem Octave - this parameter control octave of note, played when note key is released. Possible to play from the same octave or one octave down. QTrem Velo Offset - this is velocity offset in negative side only. This velo offset is applyed to notes played when note key is released. QTrem RVelo HLimit - this parameter set maximum velocity used for notes played when note key is released. This limit prevent to play from maximum velo zone, where my be different samples. If released tremolo note velocity is over this value, will be fixed to this max value.\ QTrem LowNote - this is lowest note, where tremolo on release note function work. Notes under this value not affected by tremolo function. Use this notes for accords or another purposes. QTrem Rand Zone - if this parameter is active, tremolo is played from random zone, to prevent round robin cycle looping. Use Last Velo - if this parameter is active, tremolo on release use velocity of note pressing. If not active, use velo from note off message. NOTE: not all keyboards have note off velocity. Only hi class have. Mono If Interval - this parameter set interval, where MONO mode is applyed. This is for normal playng. If SUSTAIN pedal is pressed and tremolo is active, when another holded note is found in interval equal or under this value, release play tremolo with holded note. If interval is over this value, release tremolo is played from the same note or from one octave lower note. TREMOLO CONTROL Tremolo with joystick/modulation wheel work in this mode in standart way. OFFSETS There no special offsets parameters. Automatic offset work in normal way. All individual zone offsets are usable too. 4. Added new button for fast setting of all breath controller converter parameters for new version of Juzisound Breath Controller. Button name is: "Set All To Juzi BC Ver2". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.29 - 26.07.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug in "Mono+PRT JS2" oscillator mode, where if adjacent notes have scale and the interval between adjacent tones is less than one halftone, sampler engine swith to LEGATO mode. Now is fixed and will play PORTAMENTO. NEW: 1. Added new master reverb effect "Scalable EQ Verb". This reverb have scalable "Room size" parameter, and 4 independent EQ in reverb late and tail cirquit. Pressets will be added in future. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.28 - 22.07.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added new oscillator mode "JS Poly/Mono Gtr". In this oscillator mode, possible to play POLY and MONO (with retriger). Poly or Mono mode dependent from interval between played notes. You have parameter to set proper interval. This parameter is found in Oscillator menu, tab: Mono/Legato. Parameter name is: "Mono If Interval". If interval between notes is equal or under this value, playng will be MONO. If interval is high, then will be play POLY. ZONE ASSIGNMENT Zone from 1 to 10 will be used for main samples with many variants of round robin configurations. Zone 11 and 12 are used to play MONO/LEGATO down situations. Sellection between zones is made by velocity. If not have assigned multisamples, mono will be played from main zones. Zone 13 and 14 are used to play MONO/LEGATO high situstions. Sellection between zones is made by velocity. If not have assigned multisamples, mono will be played from main zones. Zone 15, 16 and 17 are used for ALTERNATIVE samples. In most cases this is Joystick in back side (CC2). Sellection between zones is made by velocity. Zone 18 and 19 are used for TREMOLO function. Zone 20 is used for RELEASE multisamples. OFFSETS There have many sample offset variants. We have 2 separate parameters for offsets. One is sample offset when "GO to MONO mode" situation is executed, and second is for when "RETURN from MONO" situation is executed. Zone 1 to 10 olways use main and automatic sample offsets. If have multisample assigned to LEGATO zones 11 to 14, legatozone olways use they individual settings for offset. Not use common settings. For ALTERNATIVE zones, whe have 2 options, dependent from offset parameter: "Mono Ofs->AltZn". - When parameter is "YES", when mono situation is executed, alternative zones uses Mono Go and Mono Return offsets. - When parameter is "NO", alternative zones dont uses Mono Go and Mono Return offsets. They uses main, automatic and internal zone offset. For TREMOLO zones, whe again have 2 options, dependent from offset parameter: "Mono Ofs->TremZn". - When parameter is "YES", when mono situation is executed, TREMOLO zones uses Mono Go and Mono Return offsets. - When parameter is "NO", TREMOLO zones dont uses Mono Go and Mono Return offsets. They uses main, automatic and internal zone offset. SUSTAIN PEDAL Sustain (Daper) pedal have 2 function in this oscillator mode, dependent from parameter "Damper Hold Mode". If parameter is OFF, damper pedal work in standard way, like sustain pedal. If parameter is ON, damper pedal HOLD only all notes, pressed in momment when pedal is pressed. All next notes, ptessed after pressing of damper pedal, will not pe affected and will be played like pedal is not pressed. This allow to hold some notes (Distortion Guitar Accord), and continue to play solo until theese notes are holded. SUPER POLY This oscillator mode fully support "P.Bend Supper Poly" mode, introduced in previous version. 2. Zone menu color redesigned, for better contrast. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.27 - 19.07.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Small interface improvement. NEW: 1. Oscillator mode "Double Poly Porta" introduced in previous version is redesigned and renamed to "Poly Portamento". Now this oscillator mode have 4 independent parts, and every part have powerful set of individual parameters. Every part play mono or stereo samples, and with 2 uppers possible to play 8 (12 with tremolo) different samples for one MIDI note. This engine is designed for turkish strings group purposes Parts are named A, B, C and D. Every part possible to play Poly Portamento or simple Poly mode, without portamento. Individual parts parameters are: - PORTAMENTO: every part have independent settings for portamento. Part a from OFF to 255 ms. All other parts from OFF to 384 ms. - ZONES: Part A and B have 4 zones. Part C and D have 3 zones. Additional 4 zones are rezerved for part alternative sample sellection, and 2 zones are reserved for TREMOLO function. Many round robin configurations are available. - OFFSETS: Every part have individual sample offset. Main sample offset and automatic offsets are removed. - VELOCITY: Every part have individual settings for velocity Curve and Depth. IMPORTANT: Velocity settings for part A, are used for alternative zones and tremolo zones. Another parts are fully independent. - ATTACK: Every part have individual settings for attack curve and time. This is made with zone settings... see next point... - RELEASE: Every part have individual settings for release curve and time. Note: Becouse every part use different zones, all individual zone parameters are available, plus zone buss EQ. Tips and tricks, for turkish strings group: - load different samples in every zone. Use zone round robin if have samples. - If not have many samples, load the same samples in all velo zone of one part, and set every zone Pan to different position Left or Right. This increase stereo spect. - Set portemento time of different parts around this values - millisecconds: 98, 116, 145, 182, 279, 325. - One or 2 zones need to play in standart POLY mode, without portamento. In this zone load samples with more attack. - Add sample offset for parts, whu play Poly-Portamento mode. If need, increase attack too. - Use zone VOLUME for balance between all samples. Use zone EQ if need to equalize sound of some zones. - Set individual zone attack and releases if need. - In this oscillator mode, TREMOLO and ALTERNATIVE ZONE functions are fully functional. Use them if need. 2. Added new extendent Pitch Bend control function "P.Bend Supper Poly". New check box is added in: Menu->Sound Edit->Pitch. Tab "Mod". When this parameter is active, Pitch Bend and vibrato from modulation work ONLY for: - currently presset notes - last presset (and released) note - all notes, where are started when PitchBend is active (Pitch Bend not in center position). ALL ANOTHER NOTES are not affected from pitch bend controller. This is very useful for playng plector instruments like Kanun or Guitar, with long release. If function is active, pitch bend will affect only last note or currently presset notes. Another notes (mean notes whu play long release or when sustain pedal is pressed) not be affected. Like when player play vibrato only on one string of instrument. Another strings continued playng without vibrato. Note: For now, this new feature is available only for "Normal POLY" oscillator mode. In future will be added in another oscillator modes too. 3. Add 3 new master reverb plugins: "Studio Plate", "FDN ModVerb" and "Random Verb". Pressets will be added in future. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.26 - 25.06.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Scala status for JS Lyric Violine and JS Lyric Cello loaded on Upper 2, dependent from main scala status of Upper 1. Now is fixed to be dependent from scala status for Upper 2. NEW: 1. Mono HOLD functions is exdendent with new value. Now Mono HOLD have value "Sus.Pedal". When value is "Sus.Pedal", then Mono HOLD function is active, only when sustain pedal is pressed. When Mono Hold function is controled from sustain pedal, this have priority over standard sustain pedal function (increase release). Implemented to oscillator modes: "Mono RETRIGER", "Mono LEGATO", "Mono+PRT CZ", "Mono+PRT DX", "Mono+PRT KORG", "Mono+PRT JS1" and "Mono+PRT JS2" 2. Individual zone pan parameter added. Every one zone have individual panport parameter. Not dependent from loaded samples format - mono or stereo. Zone pan parameter not work in oscillator modes JS Saxes and JS Clarinet. 3. New oscillator mode "Double Poly Porta". In this oscillator modes, have 2 independent parts, and every part play in polyphonic portamento mode. Every parts have: - 6 main velocity zones with velocity and round robin configurations: (U1: Zone 1 to 6); (U2: Zone 7 to 12) - 1 alternative zone: (U1: Zone 15); (U2: Zone 16) - 1 zone for tremolo function. (U1: Zone 17); (U2: Zone 18) Both parts are fully independent and have separate parameters for portamento time. Use this to represent strings group sound. Balance between both parts are made by zone settings. 4. Add new function for LFO1 and LFO2. Now LFOs have posibility to modulate pitch, volume and filter cuttoff, but only when sustain pedal is pressed. Depth of modulation is set from LFOs menu. Use this to add modern "TREMOLO" effect, to some solo instruments. 5. Add new parameter in sound amplifier menu. Parameter name is "Sustain ped. to Release". This is check box parameter. When check box is checked, then when sustain pedal is pressed, this increase release of sound. If check box is not checked, sustain pedal not touch sound release. Uncheck this, when use sustain pedal for another purposes. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.25 - 13.06.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Removed unreal error message after import script function. NEW: 1. Pitch-Bend and Ribbon range expansion. For all oscillator modes, where Pitch-Bend and Ribbon pitch offset range is limited to +/- 2 notes, now is expanded to +/- 4 notes. 2. HelpSynth channels Pitch-Bend range is expanded to +/- 3 notes. 3. Added new Reverb "JS Multi-Mode Reverb". This new reverb have 36 different internal modes, every with different set of reverb reflections and filtering. This plugin have independent predelays for Left and Right channel, and powerful chorus modulation of reverb tail. Short reverbs are very usable for solo or drums/percussion instruments. Long for solo or vocals. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.24 - 09.05.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for ZONE MENU, introduced in previous version 1.23. In Zone menu, display tab "M. Sample Edit", function "Select Note by MIDI" dont work. Now is fixed and work fine. 2. Fixed display repaint issues, after SD card FAT (File allocation Table) problem message is appear on display. NEW: 1. New Master Reverb Effect "Big Reverb", based of modulated FDN line cirquit. This reverb is very useful for solo or drums instruments, and implement many modes of modulation. Included individual Predelay for L and R channel and "Concert Hall" early reflection impulse. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.23 - 26.04.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NO NEW: 1. Sampler 2 have function, to send local scale changes to external device, with many types of sysex messages, transmitted to MIDI out. In previous version, when scale control is made from another external master device, sampler execute incoming command, but not resend new changes to MIDI out. Now, when scale control sysex message command is received from MIDI input, and if in global have setting for send local scale to MIDI out by sysex command, then new scale change is retransmited to MIDI out with selected Sysex message type. This is very useful, when many devices are connected in long chain. Now, all changes to scale, not matter locally or from external MIDI master, will be retransmited again to MIDI out. If out messages are set to different mode, this is not problem. For example, possible to use sampler like sysex command translator. Sampler receive from Korg keyboard, and retransmit the same message reformated for Yamaha models. 2. New function for modulating attack time from note ON velocity. Find this in MENU->SOUND Edit->Amplifier -> tab "Mod 3". How to use: Set normal attack time to max value for curend sound, and then use new parameter "Note Velo To Attack Time" to add depth of attack reducing, dependent from note on velocity. Possible to use different curves too. Note: possible only to REDUCE attack time. Not possible to increase attack time. Max time olways is set from main attack time parameter. Modulation only REDUCE attack time from standart value to 0 ms minimum. 3. Rearrange Master FX display TAB. 4. Add new DSP plugin: "6 Band Parametric EQ". This is traditional SVF filter EQ, with low self band, 4 independent middle parametric bands and high shelf band. Useful for some sources, where many middle bands need to be corrected. 5. Add new DSP plugin: "High Frequency Enhancer". This is inovative and easy to use plugin for fast enhance high frequency content of any audio signal. You have 3 sound modes: OLD-saturated, MID-normal sound and NEW-very clean sound. Simple select startup frequency and apply enhance from 0 to 100%. This plugin is very light. Consump around 2% of DSP power. 6. Added new function for Zone menu - Zone EQ. Idea is to have 3 different EQ for zones, and possible to assign every one zone to one of this EQ if need. This need when combine zones from different instruments and need to make some frequency responce balance between diferent multisamples. Now zones have 4 output audio buses. Buses are D, A, B, and EQ. - Bus D is direct. Sound from zone assigned to bus D comes direct to next stages without any EQ. - Bus A have permanent assigned effect "High Frequency Enhancer". Sound from zone whu is assigned to bus A, comes first to thi effect and then is mixed with buss D and comes to next stages. - Bus B have permanent assigned one stage EQ. Possible to select from 4 different EQ modes: HighShelf, Parametric EQ, Regalia-Mitra peaking EQ and LowShelf EQ. Sound from zone whu is assigned to bus B, comes first to this effect and then is mixed with buss D and comes to next stages. - Buss EQ have full 4 band EQ with LowShelf, ParEQ1, Par EQ 2 and High Shelf bands. LowShelf and HighShelf bands are preconfigurable to Parametric EQ is need for 4 band parametric EQ. Sound from zone whu is assigned to bus EQ, comes first to this effect and then is mixed with buss D and comes to next stages. Note: Dont activate and use this effects if not really need them, becouse every of them use some CPU resources. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.22 - 04.03.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NO NEW: 1. Added new function for Individual sample offset for every one multisample zone. This new parameter is found in SOUND Edit->Zone Menu, display tab "Zone". Now is available to fine tune sample start for every one used zone individually. 2. Bas Oscillator mode is updated to be more functional. What is difference: - First, main zones are changed from 12 to 10. Possible 3 round robin configurations: 10 individual velo zone without RR, 2 Round Robin with 5 velo zone every, 3 Round Robin with 3 velo zone every. - Another zones are reorganized to be possible to add 3 new conceptual function: Mute, Slide and Alternative zone sellection. MUTE: Mute function use 3 user assignable notes. For first 2 of mute notes, are predefined separate zone marked with "x" and "X". User mute note not have predefined zone. Every zone possible to be selected like user mote zone. On mute zone need to be loaded bass mute samples or "death notes". When mute note key is pressed, notmal note is STOPPED and mute note is played. Mute note will be the same note, like last presset normal note. Until mute key is pressed, all normal notes will be played from mute zone, assigned to currently presset mute key. If plress mute note again, mute sample will be played again. Tis is very useful for bass articulation. SLIDE UP and SLIDE DOWN: 2 notes are assignable for control Slide Up Function and Slide Down function. When one of the note is pressed, current note is stopped, and note is replayed with sample from zone assigned to pressed slide key. If slide note is holded, this no function. Next normal notes will be played like normal notes. Slide notes work only if have alredy pressed note. If no pressed note, slide notes not have function. ALTERNATIVE ZONE: Possible to assign one note, like Alternative Zone control note. When this note is pressed, then main notes is played from zone, assigned like alternative zone. Every zone is possible to be alternative zone. This is complete user choice. Alternative note need to be pressed BEFORE main note. Have separate parameter to set play or not play release sound, when play alternative zone. - Automatic glisando zone selection. If 2 notes in interval <= 2semitones are pressed in time period of 30 milisecconds, then first note is stopped (becouse bass play MONO in this note interval), and second note will be played from one of glisando zones. Selection of glisando zones dependent from note number. If second note is higher from previous, sample will be played from right glisando zone, else will be played from left glisando zone. If on theese zones not have assigned multisample, second note will be played from normal zones. NOTE: If some sounds to this momment in you bank use old BASS mode and Round Robin scheme, this sounds need to be revised to be compatible with new zone assignment. Only normal zone order need to be changed, from 2x6 to 2x5 scheme. 3. Plugin "Super Moog Filter" for Insert 1 is renamed to "Super Analog Filter", becouse two new analog filter emulation is added: "KORG MS-20" and "Diode Ladder". Different filter, different sound... All another controls of plugin are the same, only new filters are possible for selection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.21 - 08.02.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: NO NEW: 1. Added new oscillator mode: "JS Lyric Violine". This is special oscillator mode, with compination of special prepared group of samples. This is recreated expression of acoustic violin, with intimate and lyrical charracter. All samples are stereo sampled, and this oscillator mode uses separate samples for bow change, legato and portamento articulation. This create new level of acoustic intrument recreation. Samples for theese instruments will be published in next version of sound bank. All control of JS Lyric violine is made only by note velocity, joystick, aftertouch and playng speed. One by one: Note velocity control: Note velocity, control 4 different types of transition between notes. Portamento slow, portamento fast, legato and bow-change. You have 2 parameters for this, to set proper tresholds levels for you MIDI master keyboard. This parameters are in oacillator menu. - First parameter is "Portamento Velo <". If note velocity is bellow this value, violine will play portamento. If note velocity is below half of this parameter, portamento will be slow, else will be fast. Difference is not big, but have. - Second parameter is "BowChange Velo >". If note velocity is under this value, violine will play bow-change transition. - If note velocity is between values of both parameters, violine will play legato transition between notes. Joystick control: Joystick left and right is normal Pitch-Bend. No any special function. Joystick Forward (MIDI Control change 1/Modulation) control level of additional attack for every FIRST note of violine. In no modulation, no attack sound. For cases when you need some attack for first note, without apply modulation, then have parameter "Constant Attack", whu control minimum attack, without joystick modulation. Instead of minimal level, joystick continue to add more attack if modulation is applyed. Joystick Back (MIDI Control change 2 in KORG) have 3 different position: - If small amound is applyed, violine will play only portamento and LEGATO mode. Note velocity dont triger Bow change mode. This force more lyric character of sound. - If more amount is applyed, then violine will play only portamento and bow change transition. Legato will be ignored. This force more inthensive note change effect. - If maximum amount is applyed, then violine will switch to polyphonic pizzicato mode, and will play PIZZ sound in polyphonic manier. Poly mode will be active until johstyck is active. When no more joystick, new FIRST note will return violine to normal MONO mode. After Touch Control: If note is alredy pressed, when apply aftertouch, violine will be execute new bow-change command if it is possible. After this, new bow changes from after touch will be disabled for period of 250ms. This prevent too often triger of bow changes. Playng Speed control: Time between note messages will modulate overal playng speed responce. This is really applyed to note transition time, and many more internal parameters. You have 2 user parameters to fine tune playng speed modulation. Both are in oscillator menu. Parameters are: - "Automatic SpeedUp calculation time" - this set maximum time for speed up modulation. If time between notes is over this value, note transition speed is not modulated and will be maximum long. If time between notes is bellow this value, proportional amound of Speed-Up is applyed. Standard value is around 150 ms. - Second parameter "SpeedUp Intensity" control amount of speed up modulation. Standard is around 100%. Experiment with both parameters to fine tune to you melody. Finally, becouse violine samples are very expressive, my be small amount of compression will be good idea. Use plugin "Standart Compressor" on Insert 1 for this. 2. Added new oscillator mode: "JS Lyric Cello". This is similar to "JS Liric Violine", with only one difference. When johstick is moved back (Control Change 2), violine play pizzicato, byt cello play "Hard Attack" samples in polyphonic mode. 3. In Zone menu, tab "M.Sample Edit", note is marked like active, when sample length is > 0, and start sector is > 0. To this time, only start sector is used, but checking of both is better. 4. Internal oscillator improvements, for independent and individual attack and release for every one oscillator. Do this for new JS Lyric Violine and JS Lyric Cello oscillator modes. 5. Added new function for automatic release ornamenting, with change of pitch of notes, when oscillator play release. Very useful for playng of plector or synth instruments. Control of new function is made in new tab in PITCH submenu in sound edit menu. New tab name is "Release Ornament". Parameter "Release Pitch Modulation Is Semitones", control maximum pitch offset when articulation is applyed. Parameter "Pitch EG Curve" select curve of pitch modulation. Parameter "Pitch EG Time" control overal time of pitch change. Effect of this parameter is dependent from release time and release curve in amplifier menu. For good result, sound need to have release around 10-40 millisecconds, and release curve near to 100. In page have 5 buttons. They work like presset, and every button activate predefined settings. Important is to know, theese buttons change amplifier release curve and release time too. Button "Off" restore original values for amplifier release curve and release time. 6. Updated pressets for "Klinton" effect. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.20 - 18.01.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for Upper 2 holding function. This functions is activated with buttons [MENU] + [Upper2], and аре intended to use with MIDI accordions, when Upper 2 is used to play ACCORDEON REGISTER, and register sound is changed separately, with bass registers buttons of accordeon. This bug don`t affect normal work on sampler, when Upper 2 holding is not switched ON. NEW: 1. MIDI analizer is updated, to display last 11 MIDI event. 2. MIDI analizer now have internal MIDI filter. With this filter, possible to choice whu group of MIDI event is displayed in analizer. Possible choices are: Notes, Control Changes and Program Changes, Pitch Bends and AfterTouch. Filter is organized with check boxes, and if check box is not checked, MIDI messages are not displayed. 3. MIDI analizer now show note name and note number together, for note ON and note OFF messages. 4. Oscillator mode "Accordion Basses" is updated to accept 4 note combination, produced by MusicTech MIDI system, for all 7 accord. 5. In oscillator mode "Accordion Basses", in menu Oscillator Edit, in first page is shown image of 120 bass accordion bass buttons, and when proper note combination is scanned, bass button is trigeret. With this tool is easy to know what is exact recognized accord. 6. Oscillator modes "Accordion Basses" and "Accordion L-Hand" are implemented in Upper 1 too. Do this for compatibility. However, it is preferable to use these modes on Upper 2. 7. In menu "Zone Edit" tab "M.Sample Edit" is added parameter, to change zone. Now is easy to change zones, when edit zone multisamples. Warning! Save of changes in multisample is made ONE BY PNE for every edited multisample. If change loaded sound, wuthout save multisample changes, they will be lost. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.19 - 01.01.2021 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added 13 new samples/multisamples to HelpSynth module. List of new samples: - Soft L / Soft R - soft stereo pad. - Sing L / Sing R - middle stereo pad. - Ens L / Ens R - strings character stereo pad. - Pfa L / Pha R - strings character stereo pad with phaser effect. - ChorL / ChorR - choir character stereo pad. - YPadL / YPadR - traditional analog stereo pad. - Truba - "Truba Dane" version of strange articulated ethno trube, for serbian music. 2. Help Synth preset updated. 3. Added seccond LFO generator for every one upper. LFO2 is fully functional like LFO1 with all modulators. For every Upper, LFO2 have parameter - check box, with name "Use LFO 2". If this check box is not selected, LFO2 is not calculated, for reducing CPU usage. In deffault, LFO 2 is switched OFF. 4. Added file size checking, after export script procedure, for insurance, exported script file is with correct size. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.18 - 29.12.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for poly part of oscillator mode KEMPA GROUP loaded on Upper 2. NEW: No. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.17 - 24.12.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for not active/not memorized parameters for JS Saxes and JS Clarinet oscillator modes, after change of sound or polyphony. 2. Fixed bug for oscillator mode "JS Teno Sax", "JS Alt Sax" and "JS Clarinet", where when one of them is loaded on Upper 1, Another on upper 2 is interrupted. 3. Fixed bug for bas selection of Upper 1 or 2 if active uper is changed in sound list display page. NEW: 1. Added 7 new sounds for HelpSynth module. Sound names are: "JV Cep", "DXOrg", "DXSlo", "DXEor", "Juno 6", "XP-50" and "SY-77". Use this sounds for old serbian music style, like "Juzni Vetar". Many thanks to Petar Jovanovic from Bosnya for this samples. 2. Updated oscillator mode "Kempa GROUP". to support stereo samples. Main idea of this oscillator mode is to play 2 MONO samples with 2 different articulation. Left is POLY, right is MONO with JS portamento. But to this time, if assigned stereo multisample, oscillator engine work in mono mode, and sound octave and interpolation is not correct. Now not problem to assign stereo sample, but need t o know: For UPPER 1: 1. From stereo samples assigned to POLY part, will be played only LEFT channel. Samples from other channel will be ignored. 2. From stereo samples assogned to MONO part, will be played only RIGHT channel. Samples from other channel will be ignored. For UPPER 2: 1. From stereo samples assigned to POLY part, will be played only RIGHT channel. Samples from other channel will be ignored. 2. From stereo samples assogned to MONO part, will be played only LEFT channel. Samples from other channel will be ignored. 3. Added support for sound bank files, version 4. New sound bank with version 4 on 128GB sd card will be published after new year. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.16 - 14.12.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for hermite interpolation for stereo samples, introduced in version 1.13. Now is fixed. 2. Fixed bug for false-activating of preset edit flag, in same complicated situations. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. Added new Plugin "Weird Phaser" for Insert 2 and Insert 3. This plugin is based on frequency shiftyng technology, but constructed like phaser effect. Use for LEAD SOLO sounds or any other sound. 2. Added 3 new Round-Robin configuration for "Normal POLY" oscillator modes. This is: "5xRR/3xVelo", "8xRR/2xVelo", "16xRR/1xVelo". 3. Added 2 new Round-Robin configuration for oscillator modes: "Bass MODE", "Mono RETRIGER", "Mono LEGATO", "Mono+PRT CZ", "Mono+PRT DX", "Mono+PRT KORG", "Mono+PRT JS1", "Mono+PRT JS2". This is: "6xRR / 2xVelo" and "12xRR / 1xVelo". 4. Added 1 new Round-Robin configuration for "Accordion L-Hand" oscillator modes. This is: "9xRR / 1xVelo". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.15 - 09.12.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for plugin "Stereo Field Control", where in some situations field base parameter not work. Now is fixed. 2. Fixed memory pointer bug in plugin "Guitar Preamp/Tone". 3. Fixed memory pointer bug in plugin "Stereo Bass Chorus". 4. Fixed memory pointer bug in plugin "Stereo Flanger". NEW: 1. Added support for big sound bank files, to 100 slices max. From JBB to J99. This is equal of 396 GB sound bank size. 2. Added new Plugin "Frequency Shifter" for Insert 2 and Insert 3. This plugin is based on frequency shiftyng technology, and main usage is for enhance stereo field ot generate stereo field from simple mono sources. Use this for lead solo sounds or backing vocals or pads. 3. Added ne oscillator mode "BG Gadulka GRP". This oscillator mode emulates bulgarian traditional orchestra from strings instrument "Gadulka". This mode work with special prepared stereo samples with legato, stakato, pizzikato and many round robins. Order of samples is not standard, becouse 20 zones is not enought for all samples. In this oscilator modes, have automatic tranzition from poly to mono-legato mode. This dependent from speed of notes, after first note. Have parameter about this in oscillator edit page. If second note comes in this time period, engine automatically switch to POLY mode. IF second note is delayed, then engine is work in mono-legato modes, and use special samples for legato transition from every note to every note. Joistick is used to control switching between sustain and pizikato, and sustain to stacato mode. Pizz and stakato have 2 levels of dynamic and 8 round-robin variants. Joistick back, activate PIZZ mode, joystick forward (MIDI Control Change 1 - Modulation) activate stacato mode, with crosfade between standard samples and stacato samples. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.14 - 02.12.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for master DMA initialization for SD card reading, after use of bootloader. 2. Fixed bug for preset "Velo Depth Offset" parameter, where value of parameter is not saved. Now work correct. NEW: 1. Polyphony balance is increased to +/-10 voices, and with this is possible to restrict polyphony of one upper to only 2 voices. Be careful when apply this small amount, becouse many oscillator modes need more polyphony to work normal. 2. On main display page have indication, if current preset are used in any list button in list menu. If preset is used, near to big number of preset, have small number whu is equal to page, where preset is assigned. If current preset is assigned to multiple list buttons in different pages, only first page will be indicated. 3. HelpSynth mode "Mono HOLD" is replaced by new mode: "HOLD". This new mode is again with hold note function, but not only for MONO sound, and for accords too. This is equal to "Lower Chord MEMORY" function in most arrangers. To stop holded notes, simple press 2 tames the same note. This will stop achord or one note too. No need additional controller about this. If after stopped notes, press new notes, new notes will play again and will be holded too. Added one HelpSynth presset "Holded Strings", for this new function. Note: Help Synth preset affect only HS channels, but not affect common parameters like common velocity or attack. This parameters dependent only from loaded preset. 4. Removed cache function between oscillators. This function not need with new SD card reading engine. 5. Internal Memory reorganization and cleanup. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.13 - 24.11.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed memory leak bug for plugin "Standart Compressor" for Insert 1 or Insert 2. If after use of "Standart Compressor" load plugin AutoWah (Mono), AutoWah (Mono) not work correct, and will produce big distortions. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. Total polyphony of device (from SD card) is magnified 3 times - from max 16 mono voices to max 24 stereo voices. This is dramatic increase, becouse now stereo voices not use double polyphony like in old versions. Playng of 24 stereo voices is equal to 48 mono voices in old versions. 2. Engine for reading from SD card is complete redesigned, and already uses artificial intelligence to predict where the next readings will be and cache them in advance. 3. Clock to SD card is increased from 25 to 33 MHz. 4. Polyphony control is optimized. 5. SD Card speed test interface improvement. Now have display page with some parameter, before execute speed test. Added function to test by reading of multiple sectors. 6. Many small internal optimizations. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.12 - 23.11.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for hard stop oscillator, when oscillator is already in starting mode. 2. Fixed displayed value for card size in card speed test. To this time, this field not possible to report card with sizes >64GB. Now size of cards >64GB are whoen correctly. NEW: 1. New test result page is added to SD card speed test. In this new page, overal card memory space is divided in 100 memory regions, and average read speed calculated individually for every memory region. 2. Card speed test in RANDOM mode is updated, to be with high measure resolution. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.11 - 03.11.2020 // +++++++++++++++++++++++++ // Very Important Update !!! // 1. You must install this version before attempting to install the following versions! // 2. After installing this version, you will no longer be able to revert to any of the previous versions! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug in JS Bouzouki oscillator modes, where is possible to triger "Hard Fault" in some condition when play tremolo mode. Now engine is fixed. 2. Small Bug Improvements... NEW: 1. Added new function to JS Bouzouki oscillator mode. To this time, when joystick is moved back, this switch on ACCORD mode. Now joystick back have 2 function: - If joystick is moved small, this activate MUTE mode, and engine play mute notes. For assign mute samples, available 6 zones. First 3 zones (15,16,17) are for LOW velocity of MUTE samples, with 3 Round-Robin variants. Second 3 zones are for HIGH velocity of MUTE samples with 3 Round-Robin variants. If not have samples for 2 velocity or for 3 round robin, use the same multisample for all velocity and round-robin zones. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.10 - 12.10.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed not working parameter "Sax Const GRR" for JS Saxes oscillator modes. NEW: !!! Big SCALE CONTROL interface change. !!! Now scale offsets range is +/-99 cents, compared by old version, where scale control is with +/-15. !!! This change in scale control, produce small differences in around 500 points in source code, and probably new bugs my be produced. If you find some malfunction, please report fast to immediate fix. Thanks! 1. Scale range is changed from +/-15 units to standart range of +/-99 cents. Old global or user scales are automatically converted to new version, when bank is loaded in new OS version. 2. Current edited scale value is shown in rounded box. 3. Altered scale values are in different color, to easy understand with one look. 4. When edit scale with ENCODER, push on encoder knob, reset current selected note offset value to +0. 5. Global Scale buttons, now show assigned scale in graphick mode. 6. Scale mode switch improvement. - When switch from scale POINT mode to scale OFFSET mode, current active points is keep, and in new mode will be show with offset -50. - When switch from scale OFFSET mode to scale POINT mode, all offsets are cleared. 7. With sampler is possible to control SCALE of some external devices. New supported devices are added: Korg PAx series, Korg KRONOS - all scales from 00 to 15, KORG PA80, Yamaha XG and Yamaha GENOS. Parameter for this is available in menu: MENU->Global Setup->MIDI Setup-> TAB Send To MIDI Out: param: Send Local Scala (Sysex) 8. Terca keyboard edit interface improvements. 9. Ethno Bouzouki Auto Ornamenting function added + parameter in oscillator mode "EBZK Auto Plick". Whie this parameter is ON, and play the same note with velocity lover by previous velocity, normal sample will be automaticaly replaced by sample for glisando UP. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.09 - 23.09.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. - Fixed bug for Upper 2, where not all values of parameter "Menu->SOUND Edit->ZONE SETUP->TAB Selection->Velo Zone Choice From" have effect. To this time, zone is selected only from velocity or internal breath level. Now all values work correct, and zone will be selected correctly, dependent from selected parameter value. NEW: 1. Added new value of parameter "Menu->SOUND Edit->ZONE SETUP->TAB Selection->Velo Zone Choice From". Now possible to select zone, dependent from MIDI Expression pedal position (MIDI Control Change 11). Dependences: If choice of zone is not made by note velocity, then my be need to adjust some additional parameters: - "Velocity Depth" and "Velocity Curve" parameter in Amplifier menu, to find proper volume curve, dependent from note velocity. Note velocity continue to have effect over note volume, even when zone selection is made by another source. - In main display tab "MIDI", need to check buttons "BR" and "EX" for all used parts. This buttons switch On/Off effect of Internal Breath Controller or MIDI Expression to overal volume of every one part. Both parameter are independent from zone selection method. 2. Added new function to SELECT sample from ONE PREDEFINED ZONE, with any MIDI Control Change Message controller. This selection is made with high priority, over another standard selection methods. Main idea is to possible with pressing of any MIDI controller in any time, to select samples from one predefined zone - different from standart zones. This is need to for same glisando samples or some effect samples, added to main samples group of sound. This new function have 2 parameters, available in menu "Menu->SOUND Edit->ZONE SETUP->TAB Selection". Parameters are: "Alternative Zone Activation MIDI CC Number" - This parameter select MIDI Control Change number, whu is used to triger this new function. Available choices are from 1 to 120. Value 0 is equal to DISABLE. "Alternative Zone Activation Value Treshold" - This parameter define function activation value treshold. If received value of selected controller is equal to or above this threshold, function will be activated. NOTE: - To play alternative zone, used MIDI controler need to be activated !!!BEFORE!!! press MIDI note. - On zone used for alternative sample, need to have valud multisample, else no sound will be produced. - In all oscillators mode, where this function work, on zone menu, alternative zone is marked with symbol "A". - This function is creatted specially for use with KORG keyboards with Joystick Back (MIDI control change 2), to triger alternative sample. Some keyboards have buttons near to PitchBend. This is useful controllers too. 3. Expanded function for playng tremolo, available from version Version 1.06. Parameters for control tremolo is moved on new display TAB in menu Oscillator. New tab name is: "Tremolo Control". Now, in tremolo control tab have 6 parameters: 1. "Tremolo Activation Control". This parameter select MIDI controller whu activate tremolo function. Available choices are: OFF, Modulation Wheel and AfterTouch. NOTE: Aftertouch is not available in all oscillators modes. 2. "Next Note When Tremolo". This parameter define reaction when tremolo controller is active, and user play new note on keyboard. Available variants are: - "Only Main with full level". In this variant, new note will be played with main zound, and volume of main sound not dependent from tremolo controller position. - "Only Trem with mod level". In this variant, new note will be played with tremolo sound, and volume of this sound is dependent from tremolo controller position. - "Main contonue, Tremolo In". In this variant, both main and tremolo sounds will be played. Main sound will be with normal volume, not dependent from tremolo controller. Tremolo sound volume is dependent from tremolo controller. - "Main xFade with Tremolo". In this variant, both main and tremolo sounds will be played, but level of both is crosfaded, dependent from tremolo controller position. What is crosfade? When volume of tremolo sound increase, then volume of main sound decrease. NOTE: In oscillator modes "JS1" and "JS2", new note iz played with only one sample, and there have only 2 options, for selecting MAIN or TREMOLO sample. 3. "Tremolo retriger Mode". This parameter control what is happend, when user already play and hlod notes, and THEN activate tremolo MIDI controller. For example, move modulation wheel up. This is named "RETRIGER" situation. Available variants are: - "No Retriger". In this variant, nothing will be happend. - Main Contonue + Tremolo In". In this mode, already active main notes dont will be stopped, and will contonue to sound with constant volume level. Additional tremolo notes will be activated too, and volume of tremolo notes will be dependent from tremolo controller. - Main xFaded with Tremolo". In this variant, main notes contonues to play, but volume is reduced dependent from tremolo controller. Additional tremolo notes will be trigered, and volume of tremolo notes will depend from tremolo controller. This mode play both main and tremolo notes, and make CROSFADE between them. - Main Stop / Tremolo In". All curent main notes will be stopped with curent release. New tremolo notes will be trigered, and volume of tremolo notes dependent from tremolo controller. NOTE: In oscillator modes "JS1" and "JS2", retriger function stop main note and start tremolo note. There have only 2 options: "No Retriger" and "Main Stop / Tremolo Start". 4. "Main xFade Curve". When main sound is asigned to make CROSFADE with tremolo sound, volume of main sound decrease, when value of MIDI controller increase. This parameter define volume curve dependence between controller position and audio volume. Possible variants are LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL. Try both of them with combination with next parameter, to keep sound volume constant when crosfade is executed. NOTE: In oscillator modes "JS1" and "JS2", this parameter is not available. 5. "Trem xFade Curve". Olways volume of tremolo sound dependent from value of tremolo sound MIDI controller. This parameter define curve dependence. Available values are LINEAR and EXPONENTIAL. Try this parameter with combination with previous, to keep sound volume equal, when apply crosfade between main and tremolo sounds. NOTE: In oscillator modes "JS1" and "JS2", this parameter is not available. 6. "Tremolo mode". This parameter control articulculation of tremolo for oscillator modes "Mono LEGATO", "Mono+PRT CZ", "Mono+PRT DX" and "Mono+PRT KORG". Available choices are POLY or MONO. NOTE: In oscillator modes "Mono+PRT JS1" and "Mono+PRT JS2", this parameter is fixed to "MonoFix", and tremolo olways is mono. In another orcillator modes, this parameter is unavailable. WARNING!!! - Important note! All parameters for tremolo control now is moved to new display tab. Old parameters are not used, about control of tremolo. Becouse old parameters for tremolo are replaced with new, old sound create with version 1.06 will not work correct. To recreate old presets, need to set new parameters like this: - "Next Note When Tremolo" need to be: "Only Main with full level". - "Tremolo retriger Mode" need to be: Main Stop / Tremolo In". 4. New sample offset parameter is added in Offset menu. This parameter is for independent control of sample offset for tremolo zones. New parameter named is "Tremolo Offset", and will be visible when have effect. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.08 - 31.08.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. - Fixed bug produced from version 1.07, for invalid change of DSP parameters. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. Add one new preset for HelpSynth. Preset is "Finnger Bass 3 mono". This is for easy sellection of new BASS sample, added from version 1.07. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.07 - 30.08.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. - Fixed bug when in oscillator mode "Normal POLY", release zone not work, when tremolo function is enabled. Now release zone will work when tremolo is active. 2. - Fixed internal clip in both uppers filters module, when filter is "Low-Pass 6dB" and "Low-Pass 12dB". Now no more internal clip. 3. - Fixed bug for import scripts, created from bank with version 1. To this time, device will mark scripts with version 1 like invalid. Now import is possible. NEW: 1. Added support for bootloaders Version 5 2. Add new menu point in Menu->Global->MIDI Master Control->[tab: Other Control]. New menu point is: "Direct Set Parameters By Sysex" and will be enabled or disabled. This point control new feature, available from this version. This new feature is used for DIRECT SET of some internal device parameters, with MIDI SYSEX messages. For now, only 3 internal parameters are available for external sysex control. This parameters are for individually increase or decrease the volume of Upper 1, Upper 2 and Help Synth, with +/- 1 step. This is created, for precise real time control of Bass and Accords parts in left hand from Juzisound Accordion MIDI System. Size of used Sysex messages are 13 bit. Format of sysex messages are: [ 0xF0, 0x00, 0x4A, 0x53, 0x07, 0x00 p_LSB, p_MSB, p_HSB, v_LSB, v_MSB, CheckSum, 0xF7 ] - Both 3 valuse of p_HSB, p_MSB and p_LSB formed 21 bit (3x7 bits) number of PARAMETER for change. This allow to change 2 097 152 individual parameters. - Both 2 values of v_MSB and v_LSB formed 14 bit (2x7 bits) VALUE for parameter or command. - CheckSum byte is calculated with 8 bit SUM with overflow of all bytes after 0xF0 to last byte before check sum and additional mathematic operation: (0x100-SUM)&0x7F; Valid parameter combination for now are: 0x000001 - Upper 1 volume increase/decrease. Operation dependent from VALUE in message. When VALUE is 1, volume is increase. When VALUE is 0, volume decrease. 0x000002 - Upper 2 volume increase/decrease. Operation dependent from VALUE in message. When VALUE is 1, volume is increase. When VALUE is 0, volume decrease. 0x000003 - HelpSynth volume increase/decrease. Operation dependent from VALUE in message. When VALUE is 1, volume is increase. When VALUE is 0, volume decrease. 3. New set of program change messages, for separate choice of sound of Upper 1, Upper 2 and HelpSynth pressets. Interpretation of incoming Program Change messages dependent from parameter "Selection Mode" in Menu->Global Setup->MIDI Preset Change: Have 3 main variants: 1. [Select Learned LIST Buttons] In this mode, incoming MIDI program change messages is redirected to list button, and work only if have valid MIDI learning to any button. Possible to use any combination of Control Change 0, Control Change 32 and Program Change, without limitation. 2. [Individual Selection Mode] In this mode, possible to change Upper 1, Upper 2 and preset for HelpSynth individually, with set of predefined bank and program change MIDI message combination. - Control Change 0 select change destination: CC0 = 0, 64 or 127: change PRESET CC0 = 1: change only sound on Upper 1 in current loaded preset. CC0 = 2: change only sound on Upper 2 in current loaded preset. CC0 = 17: change only HelpSynth preset in current loaded preset. Note: This combination select and load one of INTERNAL Help Synth preset. Dont mix internal HelpSynth preset with main preset. CC0 = different value, nothing will be change. This is invalid combination in this mode. - Control Change 32 select bank. Every bank have 128 programs. Exact programs is selected with Program Change Message. For change SOUND or PRESETS, valid values are from 0 to 78. For HelpSynth valid value is only 0. If received value is invalid, nothing will be change. - Program Change select exact sound or preset number, dependent from previously selected bank. 3. [Juzisound MIDI Accordeon] In this mode, have set of 1000 predefined messages, for direct preset change from Juzisound MIDI accordion. With this mode is possible to select sampler presets from number 0000 to number 0999. Presets bellow 0999 not possible to beselected. If use this mode, simple copy you user preset to number under 0999. In this mode: Control Change 0 is from diapasone from 120 to 127, and select preset bank. Control Change 32 always is with value 127. Program change is with values from 0 to 127, and select exact preset number, dependent from previously selected bank. 4. Added 2 buttons in page 2 in sound filter menu. This buttons are for fast loading of predefined filter settings, for selected sound. This is "Filter presets". First button is named "Remove filter and mod". This button will remove all filters and reset all filter parameters to default values. All filter modulators will be reset too. Simple this is "DISABLE FILTER" button. Second button is named "Acordion". This button will choice filter "Low-Pass 12dB" and set all filter parameters, include filter modulators, with specific values for right hand of accordion sound. In this mode, filter cuttof is controller from accordion bellow. Test this of some accordion sounds. 5. New oscillator Mode "Accordion Basses". This oscilator mode is specialized for playng of Accordion Bass Registers from Upper 2. Upper 2 is used to play fundamental basses and accords together. Help Synth is stay free, for playng terca. How this oscillator mode work? First all incoming notes is split around sellected note number, dependent from parameter "In Notes Split Point - Bass/Accords" available in oscillator mode menu. All notes bellow this point is interpretate like fundamental bass notes. All notes equal or high from this point is interpretated like Bass Registers Accords. Fundamental Basses: For fundamental basses are reserved 9 zones. From zone 1 to zone 9. There are 3 velo zones and 3 round robin zones. In every zone have only 12 fundamental bass notes from C to B, assigned to notes with numers starting from 24 to note with number 35. All another notes are free. Order of fundamental bass zones: - Zone 1 - Velo 1/Round Robin 1 - Zone 2 - Velo 2/Round Robin 1 - Zone 3 - Velo 3/Round Robin 1 - Zone 4 - Velo 1/Round Robin 2 - Zone 5 - Velo 2/Round Robin 2 - Zone 6 - Velo 3/Round Robin 2 - Zone 7 - Velo 1/Round Robin 3 - Zone 8 - Velo 2/Round Robin 3 - Zone 9 - Velo 3/Round Robin 3 Accords Zones: For accordion accords is used next 9 zones. Zone order is the same like funcamental bass zones, but zone content is different. For accords, need to have ONE SAMPLE for every one accord in accordion bass keyboard. Sampler engine scan incoming notes, and when find valid combination of notes, play this individual sample with the same accord. With another words, accords engine not play real notes. Engine scan incoming notes, find valid combination for accords, and plays the sample with the found chord. Content of every zone is: - 12 Notes for MAJOR accords, starting from note C to B, and assigned to note with numbers from 48 to 59. - 12 Notes for MINOR accords, starting from note C to B, and assigned to note with numbers from 60 to 71. - 12 Notes for Dur 7 accords, starting from note C to B, and assigned to note with numbers from 72 to 83. - 12 Notes for Dim 7 accords, starting from note C to B, and assigned to note with numbers from 84 to 95. All another nites are free Order of accords zones are: - Zone 10 - Velo 1/Round Robin 1 - Zone 11 - Velo 2/Round Robin 1 - Zone 12 - Velo 3/Round Robin 1 - Zone 13 - Velo 1/Round Robin 2 - Zone 14 - Velo 2/Round Robin 2 - Zone 15 - Velo 3/Round Robin 2 - Zone 16 - Velo 1/Round Robin 3 - Zone 17 - Velo 2/Round Robin 3 - Zone 18 - Velo 3/Round Robin 3 There have 2 specialized notes, for some bass register buttons noices: Zone 19 is used for register button PRESSING noices. This zone is used for fundamental basses and accords together. There have only 9 samples with button pressing noice, assigned to note with numbers from 0 to 8. Engine will play in random order. Zone 20 is used for register button RELEASE noice. This zone is used for fundamental basses and accords together. There have only 9 samples with button release noice, assigned to note with numbers from 12 to 20. Engine will play in random order too. Additional engine parameters: - Sellection of zone is possible by accordion bellow pressure or by note velocity. Use accordion mode, when play from MIDI accordion. Use note velocity, when play from normal keyboard. This dependent from parameter in tab ""Selection" in zone menu. - No global offset, and auto offsets in this oscillator mode. Every zone group (FBasses, Accords, Button Press noices and Button Release noices) have individual offset parameter is offset menu. - Tresholds for selection of velo zone is made from zone parameter "VeloH". - All another zone parameters are valid, and will be used for fine tune zone volume and another parameters. Be careful with transpose. Need to be 0 for all zones, because note assigment in zone are fixed. - In this engine Upper 2 not work with SCALE, becouse accordion basses not dependent from scale. - If not have samples for all Round Robin or Velocity zones, simple assign the same multisample to all zones. 6. New oscillator Mode "Accordion L-Hand". This oscilator mode is specialized for playng of 2 sounds from accordion Bass Registers from Upper 2. Theese 2 sounds are every sounds available in multisamples, but in most cases this is bass and guitar or similar combination. Additional, there have 2 multisample zones for percussions. One for Bass section and one for Accord section. Upper 2 is used to play fundamental basses and accords together. Help Synth is stay free, for playng terca. How this oscillator mode work? First all incoming notes is split around sellected note number, dependent from parameter "In Notes Split Point - Bass/Accords" available in oscillator mode menu. All notes bellow this point is interpretate like fundamental bass notes. All notes equal or high from this point is interpretated like Bass Registers Accords. Both Bass and accords regions have 9 zones, and 4 different RoundRobin schemme. RoundRobin settings is common for bass and accord part together. - NoRR/9xVelo - in this mode, all 9 zones are used like velo zones. No Round-Robin schemme is applied. - 2xRR/4xVelo - in this mode, only 8 zone is used. This is parts of 4 velo zones. Order of zones need to be: RR1(V1,V2,V3,V4), RR2(V1,V2,V3,V4). - 3xRR/3xVelo - in this mode, all 9 zone is used. Have 3 Round-Robin parts, every with 3 velo zones. Order of zones need to be: RR1(V1,V2,V3), RR2(V1,V2,V3), RR3(V1,V2,V3). - 4xRR/2xVelo - in this mode, only 8 zone is used. Have 4 Round-Robin parts, every with 2 velo zones. Order of zones need to be: RR1(V1,V2), RR2(V1,V2), RR3(V1,V2), RR4(V1,V2). Zhoice of VELO zones is dependent of parameter "Velo Zone Choice From" in tab "Selection" is Zone menu. Possible to control from accordion bellows or from note velocity, NOTE about accords. Accords part not play first and seccond note. This note are only memorized, and when note 3 is comes, then all theese 3 notes will be play together - like one accord. In the same momment, will be play one sample, from percussion zone for accords. Zone 19 - this zone is used only for BASS percusion. Sample from this zone is play with every note of bass. Zone 20 - this zone is used only for ACCORDS percusion. Sample from this zone is play when 3 notes are collected from accords part. Sample assignment: For bass zones, need to have samples on note numbers from 37 to 59, with center 48. Note 48 is middle C. For accords zones, need to have samples on note numbers from 61 to 83, with center 72. Note 72 is middle C. For bass percussion zone 19, need to have samples on note numbers from 84 to 103. Order of samples need to be: All velo samples for first Round-Robin... all next velo samples for next Round-Robin... For accords percussion zone 20, need to have samples on note numbers from 104 to 123. Order of samples need to be: All velo samples for first Round-Robin... all next velo samples for next Round-Robin... NOTE about percussion samples: For every percussion zone, we have fully independent parameters, for used round robin scheme, and count of velo zones. This parameters need to be equal like order of used samples. NOTE about additional parameters for bass and accords zones. Both parts have one parameter for Highest note. This parameter select highest note played by this part. If in bass or accords have note high from this highest note, this note will be retranspose one octave down. This parameters help to lock bass or accords to octave, where sound is good. NOTE about sample offsets: In this oscillator mode, every part like bass, accords and both percussion have individual parameters for sample offsets. Global and automatic sample offset not work in this oscillator mode. NOTE about amplifier envelope: Amplifier parameters like attack and release are common for all parts in upper 2, and need to be near to standard values. NOTE about mixing. Both basses, accords and percussion are part of Upper 2. Volume and EQ , Auxes and all another Upper 2 parameters are common for all internal parts. Volume of internal parts are dependent from ZONE VOLUME parameter. 7. Added one new sample for HelpSynth part. Sample is "Finger Bass 3". Use this with MIDI accordion system, when HelpSynth is assigned to play Bass part, and Upper 2 is assigned to play accord part. 8. Adding a new feature, for HOLDING Upper 2 and all Upper 2 parameters to current status. If this function is activated, Sound of Upper 2 and all parameters connected with Upper 2 like transpose, volumes, effects or auxes, are stay in current status, and not change with PRESET change. Use this feature, when play with MIDI accordion system, and Upper 2 is assigned to play BASS SECTION of accordion. In this mode, all parameters of Upper 2 are permanent and not dependent from presset change. Loaded sound on upper 2 is possible to be changed from BASS REGISTER SWITCH BUTTONS of accordion, with Program Change MIDI messages on MIDI channel assigned for Upper 2. When Upper 2 is locked, this is indicated with yellow line on upper 2 box. Permanent shortcut to activate or deactivate locking of Upper 2 is button combination: [MENU] + [U2]. 9. Adding new global parameter, in menu TAB "Interface Settings" in menu "Global Setup->Other Settings". New parameter name is "Button BRTH Function". This parameter switch function of button [BRTH]. On deffault, this button is used to manually switch On and Off breath contrroller bypass mode. When use sampler with MIDI accordion system, in most cases breath controller is not used and this button is free. Then is possible to use this button for Upper 2 LOCK/HOLD activation. Led indication is switched too to new function. Available parameters values are: - Breath CTRL Status - In this mode, [BRTH] button and button indication is used for breath controller bypass status. - Upper 2 HOLD - In this mode, [BRTH] button and led indication is used for control Upper 2 HOLD function. NOTE: When button is assigned to control Upper 2 hold function, when function is active, button LED blink fast. This make difference with another function of the same button. If button is used for breath controller and breath controller is active, LED indication is switch ON permannent. Not blink. 10. Added one new acquire method for MIDI expression messages. Now available 3 modes: - "Standard MIDI Expression - ony CC11". In this mode, for MIDI expression is used only MIDI Control Change 11 (Expression MSB). Control Change 43 is ignored. Possible to morphing between LINEAR and LOGARITMIC curve in 32 step. - "Juzisound MIDI Accordion Bellows". In this mode, sampler accept both expression MIDI controllers with number 11 and 43, but control change 43 is used only when control change 11 is with value under 8. Curve is fixed. Above CC11 with value 9 curve is LINEAR. Bellow 8 is LOGARITMIC, for more realistic low level nuances. - "Extended MIDI Expression - CC11+43". In this mode both MIDI expression controllers with numbers 11 and 43 are used, to forming one 14 bit value. Possible to morphing between LINEAR and LOGARITMIC curve in 32 step. 11. Menu interface improvement in menu: Global Setup->MIDI Expression. Last tab is removed, and all parameters is combined in tab 3. Final expression value, after apply curve is whow in curve tab. Last received MIDI Control Change 11 and Cotrol Change 43 values are show too. Curent expression value is show in curve table in real time too, for easy tunning and understanding of expression level. Parameter "SPeed Responce" is renamed to "Smoothing", and end values are show like "MIN" and "MAX". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.06 - 30.06.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - NEW: 1. Added new functions for playng TREMOLO samples from "Modulation Wheel" or "After Touch", to oscillator modes: "Mono LEGATO", "Mono+PRT CZ", "Mono+PRT DX" and "Mono+PRT KG". Zones 18 and 19 are assigned to play tremolo samples. Choices between zones is from note velocity. Tremol is play in POLY mode, and main sounds is stay in MONO mode. Volume of tremolo sounds dependent from modulation wheel position or from aftertouch pressure. Control of this functions is made with new parameter in oscillator menu. New parameter is "Tremolo From". Available values are: - OFF - no tremolo functions. - MOD - tremolo is controlled only by Modulation Wheel. - AT - tremolo is controlled only by After Touch. - MOD+AT - tremolo is controlled by both. 2. Added new functions for playng RELEASE samples in oscillator modes: "Mono LEGATO", "Mono+PRT CZ", "Mono+PRT DX", "Mono+PRT KG". Zone 20 are assigned to play release samples. Start offset of release samples is controlled by new parameter in Sample Offset menu. All another parameters for release sounds are from zone parameters. 3. Added new mode for sending "Program Change" combination in menu: "MENU->Global Setup->MIDI Setup->(Page) Send To MIDI Out". In new mode, Control Change 0 is always 0, Control Chnange 32 is bank and Program Change is number of program. 4. Added new function for modulating amplifier release time, with Joystick back way (MIDI Control Change 2). In menu Sound Edit is open new page: "Mod 3". In this page have 2 new parameters: "Breath (MIDI CC2) To Release" for modulation depth and "Curve", for modulation curve. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.05 - 24.06.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - Fixed bug when export script file, but need to overwrite alredy exist old script file. In low speed media, this will produce unexpected device reset, if delete procedure is more of 6 secconds long. Now this is fixed. - Fixed bug, when need to find empty presets, when import multiple presets from script. To this time, for EMPTY presets is marked preset with name "- - -", but this is not correvt. Now, EMPTY preset is every preset, where Upper 1, Upper 2 and HelpSynth are not switch ON. - Fixed bug, for oscillator modes JS Sax and JS Clarinets and Blow controlling from internal breath controller. If controller is switched OFF, to saxes is send blow message with maximum value. This is not correct. Now is send message with MIDDLE value, and sound timbre is correct. NEW: - SD Card anti sleep function now is optimized, to use for DUMMY read, last real readed sector number. To this time, this funtion uses only sector with fixed number 5000. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.04 - 21.06.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - NONE NEW: 1. The time to scan the folder with mp3 files is drastically reduced. 2. Absolutly new and powerful file open dialog is created. This file open dialog, menage SD and USB devices, and will be used to move between folders and subfolders. This dialog will be used in future, for any functions where need to select file. 3. New file open dialog is used for import settings for file. Now is possible to have many different settings files in the same folder. Every file is with different name, without any limitations. Now is possible to select and import one of them. Note: Export of settings is still only to one file named "settings.jst" in root folder. If need to have many variants of this files, export one, but card in computer to change name, and then export next. If execute export, if in root folder have old file with the same name, this file will be overwrited. 4. New functions for SCRIPT IMPORTING is created. Very powerful. Possible to select any script file from any device, and import any part of script file, GLOBAL, BREATH SETTINGS, LIST, ALL SOUNDS or ALL PRESETS. When script file is selected, this file will be explored on display, and possible to see all script content, before import. Not only this!!! If script is created by the same sound bank (I mean, multisamples in script and in you current loaded bank is the same), then is posible to LOAD and PLAY every SOUND or PRESET from script, without import. Simple direct play inside in script explorer. That is amazing function, to test sounds or presets from another user, before import to your bank. Possible to choice for import only one or multiple sounds or presets, and select destination position before execite import. Posible NON DESTRUCTIVE import too. What is this for sounds and for presets? When import sounds, imported made test of every destination position, and execute import only if sound position is FREE. If position is not free, importer automaticaly find next free sound position. For empty sound is accepted, every sound, whu not have any assigned multisamples of any zone. About import of PRESETS. When import of preset is executed, then first importer find emty position for this preset. For emty preset is accepted every preset with name "- - -". No another critaria about this. When destination position is know, then importer made test of sounds used inside this preset. If in your bank, in the same positions have absolutly the same sounds, then is imported only preset, and preset use your sounds. If in your bank in this sound positions have different sounds, then importer automatically find free sound positions, and import sounds for imported preset and reasign preset to use this new imported sounds. Simply importing a preset that uses sounds that are not in your bank will also cause these sounds to be automatically imported from the script. WARNING!!! If import sounds or presets from script, created from another bank, then my be have difference in both bank multisamples. Then after importing, multisample assignment my be not valid! SCRIPTS files created from protected bank is alsu protected. Protected script is possible to open, only from the same sampler device, which works with the protected bank with which the script was created. 5. Now is possible to import scripts created from bank version 2, to bank version 3. No more error message, about version differences. 6. New 2 tremolo modes are added for oscilator mode "Normal POLY". Explain: If use MODULATION WHEEL for control tremolo in oscillator mode, now is possible 3 different reaction in NOTE ON, in momment when modulation wheel is in position >10%. For this function have new parameter in oscillator menu. Parameter name is "ModTremAttack", and parameter is visible only when oscillator mode is Normal POLY and parameter "Tremolo From" is MOD. Available values and reactions are: - NORM: in this mode, when mod wheel is turned on and new Note ON is coming, this note will be played with NORMAL sample - from normal zones. No tremolo in this mode. Tremolo is available only whem MOD Wheel is returned to main position and then is turned ON again. In this momment, all active notes will be stop, and then will be replayed with tremolo sample. - TRML: in this mode, when mod wheel is turned on and new Note ON is coming, this note will be played with TREMOLO sample - from tremolo zones. If you have tremolo sample with ATTACK included in sample, this is your mode. - BOTH: in this mode, when mod wheel is turned on and new Note ON is coming, this note will be played with 2 sample together. One os from normal VELO zone and another from TREMOLO zones. If not have tremolo samples with included attack, then is better to triger 2 samples together. One normal, for normal attack and one for tremolo. For example, that is situation for many KANUN samples... Note: This mode uses double oscillators for playng of one note. This reduces polyphony in half. Use this mode only if really need. 7. Added new TREMOLO zone for oscillator mode Normal POLY. Now for tremolo samples available 2 zones: Zone 18 and zone 19. Choice between both is made by note velocity and zone 18 VeloH parameter. NOTE: Added logic for support old preset, where on zone 18 no assigned multisample. Theese old presets will be played correctly, without multisample on zone 18, and tremolo will be played from zone 19 like to this time. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.03 - 01.06.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - Fixed bug inside "Vowel Effect" plugin. Bug is presend, when 2 instances of the Vowel effect are used simultaneously on Insert 1 on Upper 1 and Insert 1 on Upper 2. When try to change plugin of one of the inserts, then is possible to triger "Hard Fault" error. Now this bug is fixed. NEW: - no //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.02 - 27.05.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - NONE NEW: 1. Added new plugin "Talking Modulator", inspired by similar KORG KRONOS internal effect. This is formant-simulation plugin, based on 4 SVF filters per channel, to emulate human talking sound. Plugin work on MONO or STEREO mode. This plugin have 3 basic voice-cells: Bottom, Center and Top. For every cell, user sellect one of 5 available human voices: A, I, U, E and O. Transition between voice cells are controlled by many modulation sources. Global parameters for global voice frequences and voice resonance offsets are available, for fine tune of all voices to maximum sound effect. Available modulation sources: - Static - this is NO modulation source. Trought plugin is used only CENTRAL voice cell. No transition to another cell available. Use this for constant sound. - LFO - transition between cells are controlled by internal LFO. Have parameters for LFO speed and waveform. - Ribbon CC16 - transition is controlled by ribbon controller / MIDI Control Change 16. - Pitch-Bend - transition is controlled by Pitch Bend. - Modulation CC1 - transition is controlled by Modulation wheel / MIDI Control CHange 01. - MIDI Expression CC11 - transition is controlled by external expression control change with number 11. - Internal breath - transition is controlled by internal breath controller. - External Breath CC2 - transition is controlled by External MIDI breath control change with number 2. - First Note ON Velocity - transition is controlled by velocity of EVERY FIRST note for every mono cycle. Next note ON in the same mono cycle not affect of transition. There have additional parameters for transition curve and what is happend when user release all keys. Possible to return to Botton voice cell, or stay in current position. - All Note ON Velocity - transition is controlled by velocity of EVERY note. There alsu have additional parameters for transition curve and what is happend when user release all keys. Possible to return to Botton voice cell, or stay in current position. - Audio Envelope - Slow - transition is controlled by audio level trought plugin, with slow time factor for attack and release. Additional parameters are available for transition speed, sound level dettection gain, and modulation curve. - Audio Envelope - Mid - transition is controlled by audio level trought plugin, with middle settings for attack and release time. - Audio Envelope - Fast - transition is controlled by audio level trought plugin, with fast settings for attack and release time. This plugin is available for Insert 1 ONLY! 2. Added new plugin "Korg Random Filter", inspired by similar KORG KRONOS internal effect. This is stereo band-pass filter, with random frequency modulation, resonance, phase and transition control. Very usable for dry LEAD SAW sounds, kawals and same plector sounds. Explanation of the parameters: - Center Freq - this is central frequency of band-pass filter. This freq is latter modulated Up and Down by random modulator. - Mod Depth - this is depth of modulation of central frequency. - Resonance - this is resonance/Q of used band-pass filters. This is not modulated parameter. - Speed - this is speed of modulation. Max is 9.901 Hz. - Transition - this is time for transition from one modulation value to another. Max transition time is 100 ms, for emulating filter portamento effect. - Dry/Wet out - this is control of DRY and WET signal. Note: Wet signal possible to be inverted. In most cases need to be inverted to desire proper effect. This plugin is available for All Inserts! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.01 - 20.05.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: - NONE NEW: 1. Added new master reverb plugin "Early Reflections Hall". This is combination of 4 independent plugins, connected in serial. - First part is Early Reflections generator. This part emulates first, early reflections of main signals. Typycally this is first reflections from wall of rooms or halls. First reflections are very important for overal impression of emulated space. This part of plugin have 16 different models of different small, mid or big halls reflections emulastion, plus independent parameter for recalculating overal size used reflection model. Original model size is 100%, but possible to be compressed to 1% or expanded to 250%. Every divverent calue generates complete different ipression, and we recommend to experiment with early models and sizes. - Second part of plugin is independent stereo predelay, with mixers on input and output. In input side, mixing is made between original signal and output from early reflector. From output side, mizing is made between input and output of predelay stage. Otput of predelay is send to late reverb part of plugin. - Late reverb - this is Master Reverb with equal algorithm like "Stereo Reverb" plugin, with all available parameters. Input of plugin is attached to out mixer of predelay stage. This part of plugin is responsible for late long reverb tail. - Final part of plugin is master mixer part. From master mixer is easy to control individual output and stereo field of every part of plugin. All in one page. 2. New functions, for selecting multisample number with digits. Now, multisample number sellection in [Menu->SOUND Edit->ZONE] is made with encoder and with digits buttons, for easy sample selection. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.00 - 07.05.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for memmory manager of plugins, when in same combination of plugins possible to crash DSP engine. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. Added new stereo reverb algorithm - "Ambiend Room Emuation". This room emulation plugin is based on FDN (feedback delay network) scheme, and this is very useful for acoustic room emulation. Very important parameters are: room size, room predelay and used delay in delay network. Everi combination of theese parameters produces unical sound charracter. Possible room sizes are from small 13.7 meters to huge 116.6 meters room emulation. Some pressed added for start point. 2. Small display image quality improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.99 - 29.04.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for previous version, for plugins Tube Preamp. Tube image is not visible every tyme. Now image is correct. NEW: 1. Added new stereo reverb algorithm - "Alesis Old Style Reverb". This reverb is based on old great Alesis reverbs like Microverb, MidiVerb and QuadraVerb. Very useful for some type of music. Becouse this algorithm have intensive early reflections, will be very good for some plector instruments like Guitars or Saz. Recomment to test with high predelay - around 160-220 milisecconds. This keep main signal dry, but have big rish reverb effect too. Very useful for ethno music. 2. Added new stereo reverb algorithm - "Classic Studio Reverb". This is another type of reverb algorithm, used in most "normal" studio productions. This algorithm have very neutral charracter and interesting early reflections. Reverb DECAY time is split to 2 independent bands wor LOW and MID part of reverb. Have 2 powerful EQ for reverb signal too. This algorithm is good for use for very short ROOM reverberation, and gives beauty for dry signals. No problem to use for long reverbs too. Simple experiment with different music sources. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.98 - 24.04.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for polyphony balance control, where new values added from previous version is not possible to saved, and polyphony balance control will be reset to default value when preset is loaded. Now is fixed. NEW: 1. no new functions... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.97 - 23.04.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. None NEW: 1. Polyphony balance control between both uppers are increased to max 2/14 or 14/2 notes. 2. Display buffering scheme is switched to double buffering, to avoid all display artefacts, when complete image on display is changed. 3. Same small fixings. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.96 - 14.04.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed Master Reverb effect selection menu touch screen coordinates. Now sellection follow menu position on screen. NEW: 1. New sound bank format support (Bank Version 3), with extendent parameters for EVERY ONE SAMPLE in all multisample. New parameters for samples are: - individual sample volume: -31.5dB to +31.5dB - individual sample tune: -15 to +15 - individual sample start offset: OFF - 15 Editing of this parameters are available in old sound bank version too, but permanent save is available only in sound bank version 3 or latter. To use this new parameters, need to download new sound bank version from internet site, or reopen you current bank in bank manager, export samples, and then create new bank in new version of sound bank format. 2. New function in Util Menu, for show detailed info for loaded sound Bank. In this menu is visible bank file version, total bank files count, total bank size in bytes, bank protection status and original path and name, by which the bank was created. 3. Added new display tab in Sound Edit->Zone menu, for edit all new parameters described in previous point. New display tab is: "M.Sample Edit". In this new display tab, have independent parameter for Volume, Tunning and Sample start offset for EVERY one sample in selected multisample. All editions are accepted in real time, and will be saved in sound bank. Save to bank function work only if sample bank is format 3 or latter... In this displat tan, you see what is current sellected ZONE and what is assigned multisample to this zone. Have PLAY indicator, whu inform when this zone is used to play samples. Current sample will be selected with encoder, or automatic if "Select Note by MIDI" check box is active. For every sample you see new 3 parameters. Saving of edited parameters is possible only in this page, with button "Save Multisample". After execution of save procedure, edits for this multisample is saved in sound bank permanently, and wvwry sounds whu used this multisamples will be accept this parameters. If the same multisample is currently loaded in another sound, edition will be accepted afeter new sound loading. Note: Individual sample in Multisamples parameters are NOT INCLUDED in bank FACTORY RESET procedure. Every multisample changes are permanent for current bank. 4. New parameter in Global->OtherSettings. New parameter is for control Total engine polyphony. This is equal to total audio streams readed from SD Card. That is equal to how mutch total mono notes/streams is available for simultaneous reading from SD card. To this time this is fixed to 12 (in some oscillator modes to 16 notes). Now is possible to expand to 14 or 16 notes. Total streams available for reading from SD card is very dependent from SD card reading speed and from SD card random acces time parameter. Sampler device not have problem to play 16 notes, but not all SD card have enought speed to allow this. Now, there is parameter for reduce maximum necessary streams to 14 or 12 notes, to avoid SD card controller overload. In most cases 12 is enought for normal SOLO playng. 5. New parameter and new menu for every PRESET. New menu is "Polyphony Balance", and parameter name is "Polyphony Reservation Balance". This parameter allow to make fine balance of note polyphony reservation between both uppers. Polyphony reservation allow some quaranteed polyphony for every one upper, independent from another upper. If one of uppers need more polyphony, this not stop notes from another upper, and another upper will be unaffected. Example how to use this parameter: If in Upper 1 have polyphonyc sound like ACCORDEON, and in Upper 2 have monophonic sound like NAY, sampler will assign equal notes to both uppers. This is not best choice every time, becouse ACCORDEON need more notes, and NAY only 1 or maximum 2 or 3 notes (include release in calculation). Then with this new parameter, possible to change polyphony reservation allignment between uppers, and assign more polyphony for one upper at the expense of the other upper. Very useful. Experiment with this... 6. New preset selection list menu. To activate this, double click on preset number or preset name. When this menu is active, encoder sellect display pages, and push on encoder, return to page, where is current selected presset. In this mode, transpose buttons work for current selected upper. 7. New function. Presset changes is delayed, until MIDI key is pressed. Parameter for this new function is available in Global menu, submenu Other Settings, tab Interface Settings. Parameter name: "How To Change Preset". If value of this new parameter is set as "When No Preset Notes", then if user change presset while hold some note key on MIDI keyboard, presset change procedure will be delayed, until user release all MIDI notes. If parameter value is set to "IMMEDIATE", preset change is executed immediate after sellection. In this momment, all notes are stopped. If this function does not allow to change presset, use PANIC button combination (SHIFT + EXIT), to stop all played notes and reset active note register counter. 8. New parameter on second page ow TERCA tab. Now we have independent parameters for Upper 2 and HelpSynth, to switch ON and OFF together with TERCA. New idea is, tohave the opportunity to setup part to play MAIN VOICE, but switch On and OFF together with TERCA function, to emulate big orchestra, when terca is ON. Note: If the part is assigned to play terca, this part ALWAYS switch ON together with terca! Parameter to switch ON together with terca is valid, only when part play MAIN voice! 9. Display tab MIDI is with redesigned interface for Key Zones. Show small piano keyboard for every part, for easy understanding exact keyboard splitting. 10. New oscillator mode for HelpSynth. New mode is "Mono HOLD" - (MnHL), where one channel of HelpSynth play only one note in MONO mode, but this note will be hold ON, until new note is preseed. This oscillator mode is very useful for Zurna group ISO mode. How to use: Assign small region from MIDI keyboard for Help Synth part. Do this with MIDI tab, and set LOW and HIGH note limit for HelpSynth. When user touch any note in this limited region, Help Synth start playng this note, and this note will be hold ON, until user press another note, or until user pres THE SAME note. If user press the same note, this will STOP this note. If need to start again the same note or any another note, simple press note key again. That is - very simple. 11. New option for HelpSynth channel Ribbon Control. To this time, pitch bend from Ribbon have only 3 option: Off, +/-1 and +/-2. Now is added new option: Inverter -/+1. In this mode, ribbon work in inverted way. When touch high part of ribon, his decrease HelpSynth channel frequency. Use this for turkish strings group detuning purpose. 12. Added Accordion DALAPE multisample to Help Synth. 13. Added 18 guitars microsamples to Help Synth. 14. Added Zurna LOOP samples to Help Synth for Surna ISO group imitation. 15. Updated Help Synth presets. 16. Added new Clipping algorithm for plugin "JS DisDrive" with name "Smoother". This algorithm is based polynomial smoothstep calculation. Very useful for guitars and another similar instruments. 17. Updated resampler algorithm in "JS DisDrive" plugin. This free some memory and around 7% of DSP resources. 18. Some another small improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.95 - 23.02.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for parameter sellection of insert effect "Octaver Juzisound". NEW: 1. Added new options for control external keyboard transpose from sampler lokal master transpose. New option is in menu: Menu->Global Setup-> MIDI Setup-> TAB Send to MIDI Out. Available options are: - NO - Not send any message, when local Master Transpose is changed. - GM - Send Standard Real Time General MIDI Master Transpose Sysex Message. Readable in most keyboards. - XG - Send Yamaha XG Master Transpose Sysex Message. Use this in every Yamaha XG system. - Montage - Send Master Transpose Sysex Message for Yamaha Montage. - MODx - Send Master Transpose Sysex Message for Yamaha MODx. 2. Added "TUNE" parameter for every Help Synth channels. Fine Tune is available when FX tab is sellected. Parameter label is "Tun". Available values are from -15 to +15 with center 0. This is equal to +/-1 semitone. 3. Added function to reset curent selected parameter of Help Synth, with push on encoder knob. 4. Added new option "Skip Bank Check" for importing script file page. Principe: When LIST, SOUNDS or PRESET is imported from external script file, before importing sampler will execute comparison of current bank, and the bank that created the script file. If script is created with different bank, importing is not possible, becouse multisamples and multisamples order is different in both banks. If this new option is checked, this will IGNORE bank equality checking, and possible to import LISTS, SOUNDS and PRESETS, from complete different sound bank. WARNING!!! Be very careful with this options, becouse in different banks multisamples and multisamples order are different. Mixing of SOUNDS of one banks with MULTISAMPLES from another bank will be catastrophic, and not recoverable. To avoid involuntarily activation of this option, this check box with new option will be activated, only if button SHIFT is pressed while touch on display. Else activation is not possible. 5. Some internal code optimizations. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.94 - 15.02.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed Bug about Help Synth volume control from display tab "MIDI". Now work fine. 2. Fixed Bug about Help Synth MIDI channel control from display tab "MIDI". Now high value is limited to channel 15. Not possible to sellect MIDI channel 16 for help synth. If need to use HS on channel 16, then sellect GLOBAL ,and set GLOBAL channel for Help Synth to MIDI channel 16. NEW: 1. Exit from "Extendent Function Menu" with button [EXIT]. 2. Added support for KORG KRONOS Octave User Scale 00-15 Sysex control messages. All alteration of any note of KORG KRONOS Octave Scale, will be apply to sampler device scale. 3. Improved support for some Yamaha XG Sysex parameter set messages. Supported messages: [XG SYSTEM MESSAGES] Master Volume - (need to be enabled from: MENU->Global Settings->MasterControl - TAB Master Volume) Master Transpose - (need to be enabled from: MENU->Global Settings->MasterControl - TAB Master Transpose) [XG MULTIPART MESSAGES] - Teehe messages are for every one independent part. Juzisound sampler read messages only for part 1 (Upper 1 on Yamaha) Part Note Shift - accepted like Master Transpose message Individual Note Scale - independent sysex messages for scale tunning fo every one note in octave. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.93 - 07.02.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug, for broken mono tracking register indexing. Effect of this bug is writing to random cell of memory, and on the final, HARD BUSS FAULT Error is produced and device is blocking. This bug is born in previous version. All vrersions before 0.92 are not affected. !!! WARNING !!! *HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO REPLACE VERSION 0.92 with new - 0.93* * DONT USE VERSION 0.92 * //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.92 - 04.02.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug, about filters modulators updating and program loading. Bug is this: When any modulator depth is changed, out modulated value is not updated, until receive new value from modulator input source. But if no will be new value from input source, output modulation value not be updated forever. Now when any modulator depth is set to [OFF], output modulated value is updated to be 0 [neutral] too. Thanks to Zoran Golijanin for exploring this bug! 2. Fixed tremolo scale bug for oscillator modes: JS Bouzouki, ETHNO Bouzouki and Ac. In this modes, if have active scale and then is activated tremolo, tremolo note not have scale. Now this is fixed. NEW: 1. Added new parameter to Help Synth about Pitch Change, when touch Ribbon Controller. To this time, Pitch Bend and Ribon controller have common settings. Now every is independent. 2. Added two new functions in Extendent Function Menu. (This menu is open when PRESS and HOLD button ENTER, whule power UP sampler). - First function is to execute full bank file defragment test - cluster by cluster. - Seconf new function is to try to find bank file by sector search, without use FAT table. Use this for rescue situations, if FAT table on card is corrupted. 3. Added new feature to NORMAL_POLY oscillator mode. Now Zone 19 is assigned to play TREMOLO, activated by Modulation Wheel or After Touch. To sellect modulator, in oscillator mode is added new parameter: "Tremolo From". Available values are: - OFF - tremolo is disabled. Poly mode work like to this time. - MOD - tremolo is activated from MODULATION WHEEL. When modulation wheel is moved UP, all current pressed notes are stoped, and replayed from TREMOLO zone with volume, dependent from modulation wheel. New nots is olways played like normal notes, no matter where is modulation wheel. - AT - tremolo is activated with AfterTouch pressing. Force of AfterTouch control tremolo volume. - AT - tremolo is activated with AfterTouch pressing. Force of AfterTouch control tremolo volume. - MOD+AT - work both modulators. 4. Enhanse bank files writing on card problems dettection. When sampler is on, bank file will be tested more careful for linear aligning and defragmentation. If no any error message is found, then be sure: Bank on card is writed correctly. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.91 - 23.01.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for SOUND-Filter initialization. Bug explanation: When change SOUND, and old sound have filter modulators, but new sound NOT-have filter modulators, filter modulators stay from previous sound, and not more will be updated, becouse new sound not have modulators. Now this is fixed. When new sound loaded, all filters modulators will be updated to current values from new SOUND. NEW: 1. Updated Breath Converter Menu. Separate menus for produced MIDI out channels ,and MIDI Out messages are combined in one menu, named "To MIDI OUT Messages". 2. Added 3 new buttons in Breath Converter Menu, for fast and easy setup of all parameters to most popular breath controllers. Theese new 3 buttons are: - "Set All To Juzisound BC" - this button will set all parameters of breath converter, for Juzisound Breath Headset. My be only Offset parameter need to adjust after this operation. - "Set All To Yamaha BC-3" - this button will set all parameters of breath converter, for Yamaha BC-3 Breath Headset. After this function, on Yamaha headset need to set GAIN to MAX, and fine adjust OFFSET. - "Disable Breath" - this button will complete disable breath converter, and switch OFF power of Breath Input Jack. Important !: This functions only set parameters values, but NOT SAVE this parameters to SD card. Dont remember to execute "Save Breath" function, if theese new settings need to be permanently saved for next restart of device. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.90 - 21.01.2020 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed bug for error message display updating. If error display is already open, and if tnen new error flags is activated, error display is not updated, and new error flags will be not visible. Now this is fixed. 2. Fixed bug for updating preset name in list mode. If one preset is assigned to list button, and then this preset is saved with new name, new name is not updated in list page. Now when preset is saved with new name, list buttons whu uses this preset is updatet too. 3. Fixed bug for external scale control display update. If scale tab display is selected, and scale is updated from external controller, scale display is not updated. Now will be updated, to show actual scale status. 7. Fixed Bug for Insert 1 box in Fx/Out display tab. When try to switch Insert 1 plugin On/Off with encoder, multiple On/Off commands are executed. Now is fixed. 8. Fixed Bug for saving Sound And Preset name. When try to save Sound or Preset name, where first and second chars are spaces, device freeze. Now is fixed. 9. Fixed Bug for Moog filter in Sound. To this time Moog filter parameter "Drive is hiden. This is not correct. Now name of parameter is writed correctly. NEW: 1. Updated Stereo phaser LFO Waveform parameter design. To this time parameter is with TEXT design, now is graphical field. 2. Plugin "JS DisDrive (m)" is updated, and in first stage available new Phaser effect. This phaser is very useful if use before distortion stages. Presets are updated too. One new preset is added too. 3. Moog filter calculation in SOUND mode is optimized. 4. New effect added - [for Insert 1 effect boxes]. Effect name is "Super Moog Filter". This is similar moog filter, like Analog Moog Filter in Sound, but this effect is on insert box, and not dependent from loaded sound. Additional Moog sound is added - based on Will C. Pirkle audio design book. Filter cuttof is controlled from many sources like: - Audio Level Envelope with 3 speed responce times, - All note Note ON Velocity, - Only First for MONO cycle note ON Velocity - Internal Breath Controller - External Breath Controller (MIDI COntrol Change 2) - External MIDI Expression (MIDI COntrol Change 11) - Modulation Wheel Controller (MIDI COntrol Change 1) - Pitch-Bend - Ribbon Controller Every source have independent "Depth" and "Curve" parameter. Pitch Bend and Ribbon controllers, have independent "Depth" and "Curve" for Up and Down side. 5. New effect added - [for Insert 2 and 3 effect boxes]. Effect name is "JS Super 6 Phaser". Characteristic of this effect are: - Stereo or Mono mode. - 6 independent phase stages for L and R channel. - 3 types of phasing modes: "Musical", "Ideal" or "Equal". Every type use different set of phase frequencies for every phase stage, to produce different musical result. - 3 types of feedback modes: Gamma, Positive and Negative. Gamma mode is original new mode, where feedback signal is collect from all phase stages. In other modes, feedback is collect only after last stage (stage 6). Feedback signal olways is applyed to stage 1 input. - 2 types of modulation: LFO with 4 different waveforms or Audio Envelope modulation with gain and speed responce parameters. - 3 choices for "Wet" output signal: after stage 2, after stage 4 or after stage 6. - User phase offset for stereo modes between left and right modulation signals. - User phase center frequency offset/selection. 6. New effect added - [for Insert 2 and 3 effect boxes]. Effect name is "Auto Wah 2". This is new intuitive Audio Envelope Controlled auto Wah-Wah effect, with many parameters. This is very useful wor Synth like sounds, and for Guitars or Clavined sounds. Tree filter types are used, and some pressets are added. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.89 - 14.12.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No. NEW: 1. Added new function: Тhe sampler already takes care of the available memory for loading new plugins. If there is not enough memory to load a specific plugin, name of plugin in plugin sellection menu is displayed with gray color, and selection of this plugin is not possible. This applies to both plugins for insert 2 and insert 3, master delays and master reverbs. This loqic, protect device from unwanted plugin combinations. 2. Added new function: When change from preset to preset, and master effects lock is activated, then possible to go to unavailable plugins combination. This is possible when switch from preset with heavy master plugins to preset with light master plugins but heavy insert plugins, and master effects lock is activated. Then my be not possible to load heavy masters from previous plugin with heavy inserts from new plugin. Noq sampler dettect this situation, and if this situation occur, master loack function will be switched OFF, new preset will be loaded with self master section, and warning message will be trigered, to inform user about dettecting of this situation. 3. Updated Resource Monitor display page. Added new info about DSP memory usage. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.88 - 10.12.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed : 1. Bug fixed: For plugin "JS Overdrive" loaded on insert 2 or 3 for Upper 2. Where pressing of encoder knob to set selected parameter to its deffault value, this function did not work. Now it functions. 2. Bug fixed: Sometimes device freezes when one preset is changed to another, with certain plugin combinations. This hapens, because old plugins are not unloaded, before loading the new plugins. Now this is fixed. NEW: 3. Support added for external scale control from Kelfar AK-x PRO world scale tuning converter by Sysex messages. 4. Added list bank sellection in LIST mode, with rotation of encoder. Selection with digit buttons works too. Both work. 5. Function's improvement. When SD card is replaced during work, if the same SD card is plugged again, sampler continues to work normally. If a different SD card is plugged in, sampler will dettect the new card by the card's serial number, and if the new card is different from the one last used, then self restart will begin and immediately starts to work with the new card from the begining. 6. New plugin added for insert 2 and 3. Plugin is "JS Dis Drive (m)". This is complex distortion/overdrive/saturation plugin with many internal sub-plugins. Internal plugins chain is: Auto WahWah -> Input LP/HP Filter -> Distortion Stage 1-> Distortion Stage 2-> Distortion Stage 3-> Output LP/HP Filter -> Resonator -> Cabinet Emulator. Auto WahWah is possible to be moved after distortion stages, if need. Every distortion stage have 5 main types of distortion: 1. Clip Emulation: this emulates 15 different types of hardware distorters: "Hard Clip", "Quadratic", "Exponent", "Atan Clip", "Symetric", "AsymSoft 1", "AsymSoft 2", "AsymSoft 3", "AsymSoft 4", "AsymHard 1", "AsymHard 2", "Op Amp 1", "Op Amp 2", "Op Amp 3", "TS9 Nonlin"; 2. Turbo Distortion: this is emulation model of standard overdrive pedals like BOSS DS1. 3. Cubic Distortion: This is mathematic model of cubic distortion and saturation. 4. Class A Valve: This is emulation of Tube distortion stage, worked in Class A mode. 5. Class B Valve Pair: This is emulation of Tube distortion stage, worked in class B, with 2 Tubes together. This is final stage of most guitar tube amplifiers. Every distortion stage have self parameters for In and Out Gain, DC Offset or Drive. All stage combinations are available. For best result, highly recommend to keep audio level before and after every stage in similar level like unprocessed signal. Resonator emulates resonance of cabinet speaker and box, with this sub-plugin able to move resonance of system to different frequences, and this will colorize volume and timbre of different tones. Final sub-plugin is impulse based guitar cabinet emulator. Available emulations are: "2x12", "4x10", "HighGain", "Twin", "Bassman", "Marshall", "AC30", "Vitalize", "Charisma", "Contrast". Plugin have Oversampling parameter, for oversample audio signal only in distortion stages. Use this parameter careful, only if need, because oversampling and multistage distortions need very high CPU power. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.87 - 10.11.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed : 1. When playing terca and MIDI Input receives the same notes over 2 or 3 MIDI channels. Permanent notes will be produced if this situation occurs. This is mainly possible to happen when not the proper MIDI OUT settings are made on KORG PA series. Please be sure only one upper sends MIDI signal to MIDI OUT (on KORG PA series or other synth with many uppers). This is very important for MIDI latency too. 2. Sysex Error message. Interrupted sysex message is reported,with not an actual real error, when big sysex message is received. This is not a real error, and now is fixed not to appear anymore. 3. Fixed BUG for FX pluggin "Convolution", where Wet Out level is not set correctly when new instance of plugin is loaded. On interface you see 100% but engine works with 60%. Now that's fixed and both are working on 100%. 4. Fixed Bug for Plugin "Inductor Wah", where WET OUT Level is not set to really visualize the actual value, when new instance of plugin is loaded. Now Fixed. 5. Fixed Bug for Stock EQ. Sellection of first parameter box "Input" is improved. 6. Fixed BUG for HelpSynth. HelpSynth doesn't work if MIDI signal comes from MIDI Input 2 or USB. Now it works.Warning: Please check in Global Setup->MIDI Setup->H.Synth Input/Ch for propper settings for "Global MIDI Input for Help Synth". It has to be "In1 + In2", but on deffault it's "MIDI In 1". Now that bug is fixed, but if settings for this parameter are not with the correct value, Help Synth again will not play with MIDI Input 2. NEW: 7. Added support for controlling scala ON/OFF functions with MIDI control Change 80. Every time when MIDI Control Change 80 with value 127 message is recieved, the status of scale (ON or OFF )will be changed to the opposite mode. Toggle mode. 8. Added support to control scala SCANNING function with MIDI control Change 81. When Control Change 81 with value 127 message is recieved, scala scanning mode is activated. When Control Change 81 with value 0 message is recieved, scala scanning mode is deactivated. How to use the last two? Assign this function to a MIDI controller button. When the button is pressed, it sends Control Change 81 with value 127 message. When the button is released, then it sends Control Change 81 with value 0 message. 9. Support added for receiving TRANSPOSE sysex messages from KORG Kronos. 10. Control added to Master Volume, from MIDI by channel AfterTouch MIDI's message. Use this with Roland AX Synth, to control master volume. Dont forget', if using this funtion, to DISABLE the After Touch functions for parameters of every used presset. This new function is made on request of Dan Grigorie in order to be used with Roland AX. 11. Added ribbon controller to control Help Synth's Pitch Bend. Ribbon pitch alteration on HelpSynth, dependent from HelpSynth Pitch Bend settings. No separate parameters for now...there will be in the near future. 12. Added TUBE 12AX7 image in "Tube Preamp (mono)" plugin. 13. New preset "Kempa Strings Enhancer" added, for effect "Tube Preamp (mono)". Use this to enhance turkish Kempa Strings Group sounds. 14. Added many new impulses to convolution plugin. Guitar cabinets and preamps. 15. Added new plugin JS DisDrive (mono) – still INCOMPLETE. This plugin does not work fpr now. Only reserve position in plugins menu. If sellected, simple unprocessed audio is bypassed through plugin. Will be finished in the next version. 16. Added new plugin "JS Overdive (m)". This plugin emulate traditional guitar overdrive effect, + many parameters, including 2 position resonator and guitar cabinet emulation. 17. Added new plugin "Guitar Preamp/Tone". This plugin have 2 internal stages. First stage emulates sound character of different types guitar preamps. Second stage emulates different types of guitar tone stack. Guitar tone stack are special 3 band EQ, but this does not work like real EQ, where every band is independent. In Guitar tone stack cirquit, the sound of every band depends on position of knobs of other bands. This produces more realistic guitar tone expirence. 18. Added new plugin "10-Band Graphic EQ". This is 10 band EQ with 3 types of sound filters algorithms and user configurable Q factor. Types new filters algorithms are: Digital type: this is most neutral EQ type, with minimal colorization of sound, usable for every type of audio signal, Analog type: this is amulation of analog type EQ, with very good natural sound, like big mixer consoles. This is the default mode of this plugin. Juzisound type: This is equal to Analog type, but top 3 bands are achieved by new and unique audio filter, created by Juzisound. This EQ mode is recommended for audio signal, where crystal clarity of HIGH frequences are important. Be careful when increase too much high freqences. In most cases, too much EQ on high freq, makes thin and light sounds... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.86 - 30.09.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed BUG for note on velo remap from MIDI Input 2. Now it's corrected. 2. Button [EXIT] in Sound List Selection Menu is now working. 3. New filter modulator added for sounds. It is now possible to control filter from external MIDI Control Change 11 - Expression Pedal. 4. Added support for SCALE control from Yamaha Sysex messages. If there are any problems, please report as bugs. 5. Increased count of Sysex buffers, to make possible to process many incoming Sysex messages one after another. In previous version input Sysex buffers are 4. Now buffers are increased to 32. Hope this helps to avoid information messages from not free sysex buffers. 6. Complete redesigned internal signal path. What is the difference? Up until now, volume from upper main fader, from external MIDI Expression controller and from internal breath controller is applied immediately after Insert 1 and before Insert 2 and other inserts. With this conception not possible to put envelope dependent plugins in insert boxes 2 and 3, because audio level depends on upper fader or on other external or internal controllers. Now conception is redesigned, and all this volumes are applied after insert 3, and before aux controls. This opens way to add envelope dependent effects for inserts 2 and 3 in future. 7. Added new plugin in Master Delay section - "Stereo Modulated Delay". This is very special delay with modulation, feedback filtering and independent diffusion for left and right channel. Some presets added. 8. Added new insert effect for Insert 1 effect box. This effect is named "Funnel Plunger", and is used to emulate over-blowing in wind instruments as to produce overtones. Also this emulate moving microphone near or inside wind instrument funnel. This effect is very usable for monophonic brass wind instruments like Trubes, Trombones and Trumpets. Desirable effect is found on same smooth clarinet sounds, to emulate clarinet over-blowing. Note, sound need to be MONO, not POLY. The work of the effect is based on original nonlinear algorithm, and the idea is to add harmonics, not available in the original sampled sound. This is not possible to do with EQ, because EQ only increases or decreases already available harmonics, but with EQ it is not possible to add new harmonics. This effect is usable in static mode, without any modulator, or with external modulation, like Breath Controller or external Expression pedals (MIDI Control Change 11). Proper work of effect is very string dependent from level of audio signal. Because of this, proper settings are very important. We try to explain settings algorithm: 1. Put effect to Inserts 1. 2. Select preset "Static"(No Modulation), or simply switch Parameter "Modulation Source" to "Static - No Modulation". 3. Then listen audio through the effect. Move value of parameter "Offset" up until LED ACT is switched ON. Compare sounds when effect is ON and OFF. Proper value of offset is little low to position when sound comes to be different when effect is ON and OFF and near before led ACT is ON. 4. Then select desired modulator source and modulation curve. 5. Then select Amount of modulation. When applying modulation, effect changes not only sound character of played instrument, but sound level too. To reduce sound level difference use next parameter. 6. To reduce audio level to desired position when modulation is added, use last parameter "De Volume". This parameter is in percentages. Really this is percent of Volume compensation of parameter Amount. Usable values are around 60%-90%. Very good results is found, if this effect is used with combination of Breath Controller or Expression pedal. In most regular sounds, expression pedal changes only volume of sounds, not the character of the sounds. Apply this effect, and use modulation curve 4, enables to add same character to end of modulation diapason, to imitate very good over-blowing effect. 9. Added new plugin "Standard Compressor". This is powerful STEREO compressor with all controls needed. Signal level detection is possible in PEAK and in RMS mode. In RMS mode, plugin works in Look-Ahead, and look-ahead time is fixed to 4ms. Overall plugins latency in this mode is 4ms too. In PEAK mode, there is no latency. Gain reduction indicator is possible. 10. Added new plugin "Feedback Compressor". This is different type of STEREO or MONO compressor, where detection signal comes from feedback path. Also there is new scheme for level detection, based on round robin buffer. This detection scheme is very usable for instruments with big attack like guitars or other similar instruments. Note: SOFT mode is experimental and may produce some clicks on specific signals. If this happens, switch to HARD mode. Gain reduction indicator is available too. 11. Added new plugin "Look-Ahead Limiter". This is powerful STEREO limiter with small count of controls. This plugin works only in look-ahead mode, and total latency is fixed to 1.33ms (64 samples). Use control "In Gain", to find desired gain reduction threshold, and then use control "Out Gain" to restore audio signal level. Enjoy. 12. Some small bug fixes and performance improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.85 - 07.08.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Small improvement in Hermite Interpolation calculaton function. No more overflow, when very high frequency signal is processed. 2. Insert effect menu expanded to multiple pages. 3. Add new Insert Effect: "Tube Preamp (mono)", for inserts 2 and 3. This effect simulate tube preamp saturation with tube 12AX7. 4. Same small bug and interface improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.84 - 19.06.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed bug with multisample reading from bank with version 2. Now is fixed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.83 - 13.06.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Menu UTIL reorganized 2. Add Bank Factory Reset function - for BANK version 2 or next. 3. Add Import Settings function 4. Add Export Settings function 5. Add Import Script file function 6. Add Export Script file function 7. Added check for DSP responce, before continue main program execution. 8. Same small interface improvement //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.82 - 07.05.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Added new sample for HelpSynth - "Kawal Matio". 2. Help Synth ROM samples numeration start from 1. To this time is from 0, but this is not human interface. 3. Fixed bug for JS Clarinet oscillator mode, when Octaver Cuttof not loaded correct when chane sound. Now is fixed. 4. Becouse EQ sections of Sampler 1 is part of every PROGRAM, but in new sampler 2, EQ is part from PRESET, many sounds from old model are loaded in new model like SOUNDS, and not have any EQ. EQ of new sampler is very different from old model. To make full compatibility with previous model, we add new plugin "Sampler 1 EQ Module". This plugin is available for loadin in insert boxes 2 and 3. This plugin recreate all old sampler EQ with all variations: "Enhancer", "Old EQ", "EQ m6dB" and "EQ m12dB". All parameters are with the same ranges and if set like in old model, you have the same sound. 5. Added presets for new EQ-s for Upper 1 and 2. To this times, theese EQ dont have presets. 6. New EQ interface with graphical plot, for EQ detailed editor page. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.81 - 25.04.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Added parameter to control terca ON/OFF and terca SCAN functions, with note numbers. This function is made special for third side MIDI systems for accordeons, whu not have onboard controllers for control terca status. You have 3 parameters to setup function: All is available in Menu->Global Setup->MIDI Setup->TABScl/Terca Input/Ch. Basic principe: Have 3 special notes and menu to sellect note number for every one of theese 3 notes. First note is named "SPECIAL NOTE". Another 2 notes are named "TRIGER NOTE". About Special Note. Note number of theese SPECIAL note is sellected from menu item "Remote Terca COntrol - Special Note Num". After pressing this SPECIAL NOTE, sampler wait for next note and if next note are equal to one of assigned TRIGER NOTES numbers, sampler execute special functions, dependent of received note number. - If next note after special note is "Terca ON/OFF Triger - Note Number", terca will be switch On or Off. - If next note after special note is "Terca SCAN Triger - Note Number", terca SCANNING will be activated. - If next note is different, then special mode will be deactivated, and sampler not execute any special function, until SPECIAL NOTE is pressed again, !!! All teese notes are playable - produced sound. This mode is created for MIDI Accordions, and user need to press this note, when not apply blow pressure. Then sampler not produce sound. 2. Internal terca scanning is improved. 3. Fixed big: Ribbon to Pitch modulation in JS Thenor Sax, JS Alt Sax and JS Clarinet oscillator modes not work correctly. Now is fixed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.80 - 24.04.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed bug: Device block in momment when scanning terca and next 2 conditions are true: HelpSynth is assigned to play terca and HelpSynth "Audo Switch Off with terca OFF" button is activated. Now is fixed. 2. Small menu reorganization. In Global menu, submenus "MIDI Master Transpose" and "MIDI External Control" is removed and are reorganized in one new menu: "MIDI Master Control". Inthis menu have separate TABS for Master Transpose, Master Volume and additional other master controllers like some MIDI accordeon models like MusicTech and LIMEX. About Master Transpose: In master transpose have one new point of menu, where possible to enable or disable receiving of Standard Sysex Master Transpose Message. About Master Volume In this menu, first point sellect external source whu modulate master volume. Possible variants are: DISABLED, Standard Sysex Message for Master Volume, and Control Choange 007 from selected MIDI Input and selected MIDI channel. Last option is very usable to control master volume from some simple MIDI keyboards. Second point of menu, select method for interpretation of external value for controlling Master volume. If selection is DIRECT, received value is applyed dyrect like master volume. If value is Relative, then master volume knob on sampler device set maximum range, and MIDI value set inside this range. Next 2 points are for sellecting MIDI Inputs and MIDI Channels for Control Change 7, in case of controlling device Master Volume from MIDI Control CHange 7. 2. Ribbon to PitchBend madulation depth is increased from +/-2 to +/-12 semitones. In same oscillator modes, old limitation +/-2 is found. Will be fixed in next versions. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.79 - 21.04.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Startup sequence improvement - again. 2. Terca function updated. This update affects situation, when TERCA HOLD is ON, and preset is changed!!! Possible 2 variants of this situation: A - HOLD is ON and TERCA function is ON Then if in new loaded preset have parts, assigned to play terca voice, and preset is saved with this parts OFF, then these parts automatically will be switched ON, because TERCA is currently ON. B - HOLD is ON and TERCA function is OFF Then if in new loaded preset have parts, assigned to play terca voice, and preset is saved with this parts ON, then these parts automatically will be switched OFF, because TERCA is currently OFF, but this is due only is parameter "". 3. Fixed Bug, when terca special note not work correct, if parameter Menu->Global Setup->MIDI Master Transp.->Apply Master Transpose To In Notes is set to "NO". Now is fixed. 4. Added new preset parameter, for setting terca special note interval. In most cases this interval is quinta (+5 semitones). This parameter is dependent from Terca HOLD button, and not change when change preset, and Terca HOLD is ON. 5. Renamed parameter. In Menu->Global Setup->External Control->TAB Other first parameter is renamed to "Apply M.Transpose to Scale received by Sysex". When this parameter is "YES", when sampler receive scale command from MIDI Sysex message, received scale first will be retransposed with value of Master Transpose, and then will be applyed to real notes. If this parameter is "NO", when sampler receive scale command from MIDI Sysex message, received note offsets will be applyed to real notes without dependence from Master Transpose. 6. Added new parameter: In Menu->Global Setup->External Control->TAB Other is added new parameter: "Master Volume from Sysex interpretation". This parameter control sampler reaction, when receive Set Master Volume Sysex message from MIDI. Awailable options are: - Ignore - Master Volume Syses Message will be ignored and Master volume is controlled only by sampler potentiometer. - Direct - Master volume will be controlled from MIDI Sysex message in direct mode. In direct mode, received value will be applyed direct to master volume, overwrite position of sampler internal Master Volume potentiometer. In this mode, to avoid conflict between MIDI and internal control of master volume, recommend to set onboard master volume potentiometer to MIN or MAX, and control real master volume only from MIDI. - Relative - In this mode, final master volume will be dependent from internal potentiometer and from MIDI Sysex messages. Internal potentiometer is MASTER and set total range of master volume. Value received by MIDI will be used to control final master volume but within total range controlled by potentiometer. For example, is master volume from Potentiometer is set to 50%, Master volume received by MIDI will control master volume in diapazone from 0% to 100%. 7. Filters interface is redesigned. In all tabs now is visible visual indicator of current filter cuttof. 8. All filters now have separate parameters for DRY signal out, and for WET signal out. WET signal have negative variant if need (+100% and -100%). Use this to make dephasation with dry signal. 9. Filters modulations have 2 new parameters: 1) "Note ON Velocity To Filter Mode". This parameter set how exact note velocity modify filter cuttof. Possible 2 options: - - "Every Note ON" - If this options is selected, velocity of EVERY ONE Note ON message, modify filter cuttof. - - "Only First Note ON" - If this options is selected, Only velocity of FIRST NOTE ON for MONO CYCLE apply modifycation to filter cuttof. Velocity of all next Note ON in the same mono cycle is ignored. 2) "Last Note OFF Reset Velocity Modulation". - - If this parameter is set to YES, when last note is released, modification of filter cuttof dependent from Note ON Velocity will be removed, and filter return to base cuttof (if no another modificators are in use). - - If this parameter is set to NO, when last note is released, modification of filter cuttof dependent from Note ON Velocity stay in current position, until next new Note ON will change modification again. 10. Analog age is there!!! Added 2 new resonant filters: "Low-Pass Resonance" and very very musical and legendary "Moog Analog Filter". "Low-Pass Resonance" is standard digital filter with natural character, for general porpose use. This filter have one special parameter: "Q Reduction". This parameter reduce overal filter output volume, when filter comes around 3kHz frequency. "Moog Analog Filter" is best in class analog filters for every time. This filter convert you sampler to old analog synth. Best results is available when use bright lead samples, but very interesting effects are produced with every sample. About special parameters of this filter: - This filter work in stereo or mono mode. We recommend to use MONO mode, when no stereo sound is filtered, to save CPU resurces, becouse calculations of this filter is very intensive. - This filter have 1 or 2 STAGES. Experiment with this setting. High freqences are different with different settings. - This filter have DRIVE parameter. This parameter apply analog OVERDRYVE/DISTORTION to signal path inside in filter stages. Be careful with this parameter, becouse high values make output of filter very high levels. To return to normal level, reduce filter WET signal. Experiment with this parameter, Possible very musical result with this parameter, from convert any sygnal to square signal, or play guitars with color overdrive... Recomendation of setting, for start point of experiments: Tab: Type . Sellect on Upper 1 sound 169 "PA ZERVAS" or similar sound. . Press [MENU] + [6], to fast opeen filter menu. . Sellect "Moog Analog Filter" . Set Channels to STEREO . Set stages to 2 . Set dryve to 22 . set DRY to OFF . Set WET to +100% . Set Cuttof to 195 Hz . Set Resonsnce to 82 or more . Set Change Speed to 5 Hz Tab: Mod 1 . SetNote ON Velocity To Filter o +69% . Set Curve to 7 . Set Note ON Velocity To Filter Mode to Every Note ON . Set Last Note OFF Reset Velocity Modulation to YES Play with different VELOCITYs! Be sure you keyboard have velocity. In case to use ribbon or another controller to modulate filter cuttof, set Cuttof to 802 Hz or similar middle freq, and set Rubbon Up modulation to +30% and Ribbon Down modulation to -15%. Do the same with another modulators if use another modulators. Experiment.... Play and touch ribbon... Increase Drive or Resonance... Enjoy! 11. Bug fixed: Some times, when receive command from MIDI to change preset, new preset is not loaded correctly. List buttons is changed, preset number too, but preset is not loaded, and stay active previous preset. Now is fixed. 12. Added function to reload the same alredy loaded preset, when touch alredy selected button in list page. Use this to return all preset parameters to they original values. 13. Added new audio plugin "Stereo Field Controller" for Insert 2 and Insert 3. Use this plugin to control stereo wide. 14. Bank Protection Added. 15. Same small bugs fixed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.78 - 03.04.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed bug in startup sequence. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.77 - 01.04.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. TERCA engine is updated! To this time, terca is played only from Upper 2. Now possible to sellect part, whu play terca: Upper 2 or Help Synth or both. To control this, terca tab in main screen have seccond page. In this seccond page have 3 parameters for Upper 2 and Help Synth. 1. With first button, is possible to select whu voice (main voice or terca voice) is assigned to Upper 2 and Help Synth. Important new conception! When TERCA function is switched ON, all parts whu is assigned to play terca voice will be switched ON too automatically! 2. Second option is for sellecting what is happend when TERCA function is switched OFF. Possible 2 variants. - If seccond button is not active, when terca is switched off, all parts assigned to play terca, stays active, and continued to play main voice. - If seccond button is active, when terca is switched OFF, in the same momment parts assigned to play terca will switch off too automatically and stop playng. 3. Last parameter is for sellection of terca reaction, when terca voice need to retriger note. Use this parameter with different options for wind instruments or plector string instruments. Standart value is "Follow Upper 1". All this parameters are independent for every PRESET and will be saved with preset. 2. Added nem button in UTIL Function Menu. New Button is named "Other Settings". This button open new menu, where are same other common settings. This other common settings are not part of global settings, and not be saved with global. They are return to default state after every new device restart. For now, in this menu have only one parameter: "Save Screen to USB with MENU+LIST", and available statuses are ENABLE or DISABLE. This parameter enables function to make screenshot of display, with pressing of buttons MENU + LIST. Screenshot is saved only to USB flash device (if pressent) and files will be actomatically named in form: "SCR_XXXX.BMP", where XXXX is next free number from 0000 to 9999. 3. Improved touch scan position for first point of LIST menu. 4. Fixed bug: Where is inside menus, same menu strings or menu graphicks disappear from display, when current presed is changed by MIDI message. Now is fixed. 5. Fixed bug: Global settings for audio outputs not loaded correctly after reset. Now is fixed. 6. Fixed bug: Startup order after bootloader is reconfigured, to guarantee sucessful startup loading every time. 7. Small interface graphicks improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.76 - 24.02.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed BUG. Value of parameter "MENU->Global Setup->MIDI Preset Change->MIDI Input For MIDI Preset Sellection" is not saved correctly if value is "In1 + In2". Now is fixed. 2. Modified parameter name and added new parameter value. Parameter is: "Menu->SOUND Edit->Zone"->Tab: "Selection". Parameter is renamed to: "Velo Zone Choice Contollerd By". New value added for this parameter. Now available total 3 values: "NOTE VELOCITY", "BREATH LEVEL" and "CC2 / JOY BACK"; This parameter control how to sampler sellect VELOCITY ZONES. Possible to sellect by Note Velocity, by Breath Level, and by Control Change 2 (in KORG keyboards, this is Joystick in Back position). With this parameter, possible to assign different samples in different zones, and change samples by another controller, not only from NOTE VELOCITY. For example, change Clarinet samples with Joystich Back... Zone parameter "VeloH" control treshold level, for sellecting new zones. 3. Size of Input MIDI buffers are changed from 512 bytes to 4096 bytes. Do this, to avoid MIDI RX Buffer FULL messages in same situations. 4. Fixed BUG. Some terca variants note offsets is not valid. Now is fixed. 5. Minor bug fixes and performance improvements. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.75 - 21.02.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed BUG. Scale enable button for Upper 2 in display Tab "Scala" dont disable scale for Upper 2. Now button work correct. 2. Clean up unused parameters from Menu Display Page "Menu->SOUND Edit->Oscillator->Main" for "JS Ethno Violin" oscillator mode. 3. Add new parameter in the same page. Parameter name is "Harmonics Ctrl", and this parametter selec how control flagiolet sound in "JS Ethno Violin" oscillator mode. Available options are: MOD - for control with Modulation Wheel; or JOY - for control with KORG joystick move back. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.74 - 08.02.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed sampler freeze BUG, when both Upper1 and Upper2 play sound in oscillator mode JS1. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.73 - 06.02.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Add support for control of Master Volume or Master Transpose with Sysex from MusicTech MIDI System for accordion. 2. Added new submenu in Global main menu with name: "MIDI Ext. Control". There will be settings for additional external and "exotic" MIDI controllers. For now, only one parameters is for choice of destination for Music Tech MIDI System Sysex message. Master Volume or Master Transpose. 3. Added support for standart MIDI Sysex messages for control of MASTER VOLUME and MASTER TRANSPOSE. 4. Added support for control of Terca, Scala and Transpose, from Juzisound Accordeon MIDI System. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.72 - 02.02.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed USB MIDI Parser for accepting MIDI Note ON with velocity 0, like MIDI Note OFF message. 2. Advust parameter Menu->Global Setup->MIDI Setup->MIDI In2 AltParser to work with USB MIDI input too. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.71 - 24.01.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Fixed bug for MIDI Channel For Scala /Terca MIDI Control parameter. Now sampler accept scala and terca scanning only on sellected MIDI channel. 2. Startup logo changed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 0.70 - 22.01.2019 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. First Published Version