//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.13 - 22.10.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Fixed Pitch Bend Range BUG for Upper 2. Reported by Yarin Hod. Thanks for report! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.12 - 16.08.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Upper 1 and Upper 2 now follow global settings for MIDI INPUT sellection. Possible variants are MIDI, USB, and MIDI+USB. To this time, USB MIDI input not send notes to uppers, becouse uppers not watch this parameters. WARNING! Dont recommend to use USB MIDI at all, due high CPU loading and high power drain from MICRO sampler. Standard MIDI is always the better choice! //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.11 - 05.07.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Function for refreshing SD Card is expanded to possible to refresh another part of bank file, where is not audio data. Now when start refresh function, you have 3 choices: - Refresh audio data for all multisamples loaded on Upper 1 - Refresh audio data for all multisamples loaded on Upper 2 - Refresh Bank Data WARNING!!! Dont stop power or remove SD card, until card refresh complete. Lost of power or card eject will produce risk of permanently damage of refreshed data, and then SD card need to be rewrited only by computer!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT!!! ************************ * Dont stop power!!! * ************************ 2. Added new function for use Sampler MICRO with Juzisound Accordion MIDI System. In the end of fast menu, added new point with name "Upper 2 Hold". When this function is acrtivated, Upper 2 not change from Preset, and will be change from individual Program Change, comes by MIDI channel for Upper 2. This is usable, when Upper 2 play BASS and CHORD part from Accordion MIDI System. To setup sampler MICRO for accordion MIDI System and setup Upper 2 to play Bass/Chord, do this: 1. On accordion MIDI System, set BASS and CHORD MIDI channels to number 2. Both need to be to the same MIDI channel. 2. On sampler MICRO, go to GLOBAL->MIDI In/Channels , and in point 4/16 set MIDI Channel 2 for Upper 2. 3. Save Global on MICRO. When restart device, select PRESET 490 (On original bank). Then go to fast menu (ENTER+NumLock), select last point and set Upper 2 Hold to ON. That is. This is equal to "green line" on sampler 2. NOTE: This parameter is not memorized, and need to be manually set to ON after every power ON of device. 3. In menu GLOBAL->Other MIDI COntrol, is added new point "Siwa&Figli Bass". When this point is set to YES, then change of sound for Upper 2 is made by customized MIDI messages, specially designed for Siwa&Figly MIDI System. If point is NO, then change of sound of Upper 2 is made with set of messages, compatible with Juzisound MIDI System. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.10 - 27.06.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No 1. In menu Sound Edit->Zone Edit, parameter 13/21 is renamed from wrong name "Tune" to proper name "Offset". NEW: 1. Add new function in menu Sound Edit->Zone Edit, for save changes in multisample individual parameters, like individual sample tune, individual sample offset and individual sample volume. This is last parameter in menu. NOTE: This function save parameters only for current selected multisample, not for all multisamples in loaded sound. If make changes to another multisamples, execute this function for every of them. 2. Added new very important function, for refreshing audio data on SD card. Some card, after years of use, stay slow and need to be rewrited. To this time this is available only with computer, but now sampler have function to do this. Refresh is really (read -> earase -> rewrite) procedure, where all sectors of sound data will be reprogrammed with the same data like before, but flash cells content will be refreshed. Refresh function, update all samples for all zones assigned to selected sound. Function is available in UTIL menu. Sound who audio data need to be refreshed need to be loaded on Upper 1 or Upper 2, before execution of this function. When you select function, you have choice to refresh audio data for sound on Upper 1 or Upper 2. All samples in all assigned multisamples on selected Upper will be refreshed. WARNING!!! Dont stop power or remove SD card, until function complete. Lost of power or card eject will have risk of permanently damage of audio data, and then SD card need to be rewrited by computer!!! This is VERY IMPORTANT. Dont stop power!!! NOTE: SD CARD Refresh function is available only for sound bank version 3 or next. If sound bank version is old, "Refresh SD Card" function not work. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.09 - 23.02.2024 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added support for SCALA control from KORG NAUTILUS. 2. Master Effect status now is saved together with Global Settings. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.08 - 31.10.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added new functionality to control Master Transpose and Scale for KORG KRONOS. Added new parameter in menu: Gloal->MIDI Out Msg. Parameter name is: "Transp. Out Scala". See about function... Hardware dependences: 1. Need to have Y MIDI cable, to use midi both MIDI IN and OUT connection to KORG KRONOS. Settings of KRONOS: 1. In GLOBAL -> Basic -> Basic parameter "Osc/Timbre/Track Transpose" need to be "Transpose Scale". 2. In GLOBAL -> MIDI -> MIDI parameter "Convert Position" need to be "Pre-MIDI", else KRONOS not send velocity curves to MIDI OUT. 3. In GLOBAL -> Controllers/Scales -> User Scales, User Octave Scale 00 need to be saved with all notes to +00. 4. All PROGRAM of KRONOS need to be updated and saved to use "User Octave Scale 00" and scale Key "C" !!! Important!!! 5. All COMBI of KRONOS need to be updated and saved to use "User Octave Scale 00" and scale Key "C" !!! Important!!! 6. All COMBI of KRONOS need to be updated and saved with unchecked check boxes in parameter line "User Program`s Scale". Find this check boxes in page: COMBI -> Timbre Parameter -> Pitch. Settings of sampler MICRO: 1. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Master Transpose parameter "Receive MT Sysex" need to be "NO". This avoid control of master transpose from KRONOS. Control of master transpose is made only from sampler MICRO! 2. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Master Transpose parameter "Apply To In Notes" need to be "NO". This avoid double transpose, becouse KRONOS send already transposed notes! 3. In GLOBAL -> Other MIDI COntrol parameter "Scale by Syx" need to be "Disabled". This prevent to control scale from KRONOS. Scale is control only from sampler MICRO. 4. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Out Config parameter "MIDI Out" need to be "MIDI OUT". This setup second MIDI connector to work like MIDI OUTPUT. (need Juzisound Y MIDI Cable... optional) 5. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Out Messages parameter "M.Transpose" need to be "GM". 6. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Out Messages parameter "Scala" need to be "KORG Kronos 00". 7. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Out Messages parameter "Transp. Out Scala" need to be "YES". 8. In GLOBAL -> MIDI Out Messages parameter "PG" need to be "OFF". This avoid sending of Program Change messages from sampler, when change presets. Programs is changed only from KRONOS. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.07 - 13.07.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Adding support for scale control with sysex messages from KORG PA5x with new OS version 1.2.0. 2. Incomming Sysex Buffers size is increased to 40 bytes. 3. Sysex Buff Viewer is updated to show messages with 40 bytes. 4. CPU loading measure resolution is increased. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.06 - 15.05.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Voltage threshold for message "POWER FAILURE" is lowered from 184 volt to 136 volt, available on input AC power line. This avoid power failure messages in situations, when AC power voltage is outside international 230 Volt standard. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.05 - 04.02.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added new function, to lock first 3 digit of preset number, and change only last digit of preset number, with only one touch of USB num keyboard digit button. This function is activated or deactivated with pressing of [BackSpace] + [.]. Activation and deactivation are available only in main display page. When function is active, first 3 digit of preset number is shown with small chars under small white line. Every next pressing of buttons [0] ... [9] on USB keyboard, immediate change preset. With this function, user have extremelly fast way to change 10 preset with only one button. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.04 - 30.01.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: No NEW: 1. Added control of terca (Upper 2) volume offset, from Juzisound Accordion MIDI System sysex messages. 2. Removed parameter "Auto On" in TERCA menu, becouse this is not need for sampler MICRO, where Upper 2 olways play terca, and this parameter is olways ON. Every time when user switch ON TERCA, if upper 2 is OFF, will be switched ON. What is happend when user switch OFF terca with Upper 2, will dependent only from terca parameter "Auto Off". If "Auto Off" is ON, when TERCA is switched OFF, Upper 2 is switched off too. If "Auto Off" is Off, when TERCA is switched OFF, but Upper 2 continue to play main voice. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.03 - 12.01.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. NEW: 1. Added new parameter in Menu->Global->Other MIDI Control. Parameter name is: "Scale by Sysex". This parameter enables or disables scale control by all types of supported sysex messages. This include scale note changes and all scale ON/OFF and scale SCAN commands too. When value of parameter are "Disabled", all control over scale by sysex messages are disabled. 2. Added new function for external EXPRESSION ControlChange 11 reading. In: Menu->Global->Expression Setup is added new parameter: "Min Limit". This parameter set MINIMUM value of expression, used for controlling sampler internal audio. Main idea to use this parameter is for MIDI accordion systems, where is possible to set what is happend is no bellow pressure added. If this parameter is not OFF, this set MINIMUM level of audio when no below pressure. Then bellow pressure start to work from this point and above. This new feature is ordered from professor Kalin Kirilow from USA for playng with Roland FR3. Note: This feature is applyed only to internal audio of sampler. All another function controlled from CC11 like MIDI trigers and effects control, use full CC11 range, On Default, this parameter is OFF and audio expression is equal to another internal expression value. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.02 - 04.01.2023 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. Display brightness follow value of global parameter corectly. Max value is fixed to 96%. If load sound banl from sampler 2, brightnes will be set to default value 51%. NEW: 1. Selection of PRESET number for save preset is now available with numbers, not only with buttons [+] and [-]. 2. Selection of SOUND number for save sound is now available with numbers, not only with buttons [+] and [-]. 3. Service parameter "Test za latency" in menu Global->Display Setup is removed. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.01 - 16.12.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Reported bugs that have been fixed: 1. No NEW: 1. Update Sampler MICRO bootloader to new version 1.1. 2. Added SCALE control support from KORG PA5x from KORG "OS Version 1.1.0 Now 24 2022" 3. Added MASTER TRANSPOSE control support from KORG PA5x from KORG "OS Version 1.1.0 Now 24 2022" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Version 1.00 - 01.12.2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. First Published Version